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Geochemical Study of Late Mesozoic Granitoids from the East Qinling Orogenic Belt and its Implications for Polymetallic Mineralization

Hu, Xinkai 筑波大学 DOI:10.15068/0002002136



The East Qinling Orogen Belt (EQOB) located along the southern margin of the North China Craton (NCC) preserves a series of Late Mesozoic granitoids. The EQOB ranks as the most important molybdenum repository in the world and accommodates the second largest gold province in China. Although the main ore-forming event took place in the Late Mesozoic, the relationship between Late Mesozoic Magmatism and contemporaneous polymetallic mineralization in the EQOB remain unclear. This study presents integrated whole-rock geochemistry, zircon U-Pb geochronology and Hf-O isotopes for Late Mesozoic ore-bearing granite stock hosting porphyry molybdenum and gold mineralization, and ore-barren plutons in the Xiong’ershan area, EQOB. The granitoids hosting gold mineralization and ore-barren granitoids are metaluminous, alkalic to calc-alkalic, shoshonitic to high-K series, and belong to highly fractionated I-type granitoids. However, the granite porphyry hosting Mo mineralization is peraluminous, high-K alkaline, and shoshonitic. Most of the granitoids show relatively lower Sr/Y and (La/Yb)N than the typical adakitic rocks. The granitoids are strongly enriched in light rare earth elements (LREEs) and large ion lithophile elements (LILEs), and depleted in heavy rare earth elements (HREEs) with slightly negative europium anomalies and high field-strength elements (HFSEs), mostly plotted in the range of the basement Taihua Group rocks. Zircon U-Pb ages from these granitoids range from 133.4 to 127.7 Ma. The εHf(t) values and TDM2 ages show a variation trend from -37.4 to -11.4 and 3530 to 1912 Ma, which are consistent with Hf isotopic features of the Taihua Group. The εHf(t) values have a positive correlation with MgO and a negative correlation with SiO2, indicating sustained involvement of mantle-derived materials. Notably, these granitoids have comparable δ18Ozircon values ranging from 5.03‰ to 8.90‰. The whole-rock geochemistry and zircon Hf-O isotopic features of the Late Mesozoic granitoids indicate that their parental magma was originated from the mixing of partial melt of the Taihua Group and the enriched lithospheric mantle. The zircon grains from the granite porphyry hosting Mo mineralization have significantly higher Ce4+/Ce3+ (mean 547) and δEu (mean 0.65) ratios than those in the ore-barren Haoping pluton (mean 207 and 0.54, respectively) and the Jinshanmiao pluton (mean 235 and 0.62, respectively). The main characters of the Mo-hosting granitoids are the high oxygen fugacity (fO2) of the magma and input of mantle-derived material, which could be controlling factors for the porphyry-type Mo mineralization. The porphyritic monzogranite hosting the Au mineralization was likely more hydrous and resulted from a highly evolved magma after hornblende fractionation, which could be an important controlling factor for porphyry Au mineralization. These granitoids were generated at different crustal levels by lithospheric thinning process linked to the tectonic transition from compression to extension during 133-128 Ma. Large-scale crustal thickening caused by intra-continental subduction led to partial melting of the thickened lower crust in the post-collision stage of the Qinling Orogenic Belt; the subsequent destruction of the North China Craton led to the thinning of the lithosphere and the upwelling of the asthenosphere. During the transition from compression to extension, partial melting of the ancient lower crust and enriched mantle, and strong crust-mantle interaction occurred. Upwelling of the asthenosphere might have led to the destruction of the sulfides in the enriched lithospheric mantle and lower crust, possibly inducing the enrichment of incompatible metals such as Mo and Au in the silicate magma. The magma can carry ore-forming fluids and metals rapidly ascending to the upper crust. This study provides insights into the formation the giant porphyry Mo and Au mineralization associated with a prolonged and active magmatic-hydrothermal system, upwelling of hot asthenosphere, and intense mantle-crust interaction.



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