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Gau, Jing Je コウ, ケイテツ 神戸大学



Chapter I
I have reviewed the research subjects and problems to be solved related to biological control using parasitoid wasps. Biological control is an environmentally safe and effective way against pests by utilizing herbivory, predation, parasitism, or other natural mechanisms (Eilenberg et al., 2001). Biological control has become a main-stream practice over recent decades (DeBach et al., 1971; Flint and Dreistadt, 1998; Gerhardson, 2002), thus the demand of biological control, especially by the adoption of integrated pest management (IPM) programs, as well as the demand of organic cropping are increasing.
The release of natural enemies to control pests is a type of biocontrol called augmentation. By using commercially available species to prevent the pest population increases, or to suppress a pest population. The efficient mass-rearing system of natural enemies is a critical factor to conducting an efficient augmentation against target pest. For that purpose, mass-rearing system with optimized conditions including inexpensive and easily manageable artificial diets, substitute prey, or substitute host insects need to be provided.
Meteorus pulchricornis (Wesmael) (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) is a solitary endoparasitoid of free-living lepidopteran larvae, with a wide range of host families (Maeto, 2018). M. pulchricornis has been considered to be a promising biological agent, due to the existence of the thelytokous strains, which are expected to be more effective as biological control agents than arrhenotokous (sexual) strains with the two-fold reproduction (Aeschlimann, 1990; Stouthamer, 1993). It is usually considered to be difficult to rear koinobiont parasitoids on substitute hosts due to high host-specificity, though this may not always be true because M. pulchricornis is a polyphagous koinobiont.
The Mediterranean flour moth Ephestia kuehniella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) is a cosmopolitan storage pest and can be reared in dry conditions and it grows exponentially without much of care and time. Thus, the eggs and larvae of E. kuehniella have been widely used as diets or hosts for mass-rearing of predators and parasitoids in biological control (Borzoui et al., 2016; Smith, 1996).
The goal of this study is to design a better way of mass-rearing M. pulchricornis for augmentation with the following objects (1) evaluated the host suitability of E. kuehniella for M. pulchricornis, (2) establish a better mass-rearing method for M. pulchricornis on E. kuehniella and (3) establish sexual strains in the laboratory, in order to further understand the reproductive modes and genetic diversity of M. pulchricornis for use as biocontrol agents.

Chapter II
In this chapter, the host suitability of E. kuehniella on M. pulchricornis was examined. The body size, longevity, and lifetime fecundity of adult wasps reared on E. kuehniella and on a natural host Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) (Noctuidae) were compared. I observed that there is a positive relation between the body size of the host at oviposition and that of M. pulchricornis. As the flesh weight of E. kuehniella larva increase, the adult emergence rate of M. pulchricornis become higher, too. This chapter revealed that the nearly fully-grown larvae of the Mediterranean flour moth E. kuehniella could be potential substitute hosts for M. pulchricornis in mass rearing practices. However, the lifetime fecundity is lower when using E. kuehniella as hosts and the autonomous oviposition of M. pulchricornis on E. kuehniella is difficult.

Chapter III
This chapter confirmed that autonomous oviposition of M. pulchricornis on E. kuehniella larvae is enhanced by alternate lighting. According to Yamamoto et al. (2009), it is expected that increased host movement accelerates the oviposition behavior of M. pulchricornis. This experiment confirmed that the mobility of E. kuehniella larvae was enhanced by using alternate lighting of LEDs. The total length of larval movement under alternate lighting increased about three-fold when compared to the larvae under constant lighting. Consequently, was approximately doubled the number of eggs laid per wasp.

Chapter IV
In this chapter, the sexual (arrhenotokous) strains of M. pulchricornis were successfully established. In the field surveys in Kagawa Prefecture during 2017 to 2018, 124 individuals of M. pulchricornis were obtained. After mating experiments, the reproductive mode of 48 female individuals was confirmed, showing 21 sexual (arrhenotokous) and 27 asexual (thelytokous) strains. Sexual (arrhenotokous) strains have been reared and crossed for nine generations. There was no asexual strain obtained from crossing sexual strains, thus, the recessive gene hypothesis for the origin of asexuality (thelytoky) was not supported.

Chapter V
Finally, I discuss the results of this study and problems that remain. In conclusion, this study shows that E. kuehniella is a suitable substitute host for rearing M. pulchricornis.
However, the small size of E. kuehniella in nature may decrease the general reproductive ability of M. pulchricornis as a biocontrol agent. Because the body size of the parasitoid wasp M. pulchricornis is limited by the body size of E. kuehniella larvae at oviposition, the life time fecundity of M. pulchricornis from E. kuehniella was less than natural hosts. Thus, enlargement of E. kuehniella larvae is a potential solution to this problem.
On the other hand, alternate LED lighting increased the movement of E. kuehniella larvae, which consequently increases the oviposition rate of M. pulchricornis on them. Although the oviposition rate of M. pulchricornis on E. kuehniella larvae is lower compared to its natural hosts, it could be improved by giving it multiple hosts for oviposition. Further investigations are necessary to determine the best timing of light alternation, the light wavelength and intensity, the number of host larvae provided at the same time, and other details for practical oviposition.



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