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Dynamics of small repetitive eruptions at Stromboli volcano as inferred from seismic and acoustic analyses

Sugimura Shunsuke 東北大学



Seismic and acoustic waves associated with Strombolian or Vulcanian eruptions, which repeatedly occur at several volcanoes, often show common characteristics on the dynamics of explosions. The analyses of these data are fundamental and important for understanding volcanic eruptions. The dynamics of explosions at Stromboli volcano, which is a representative volcano of Strombolian eruption and one of the most active volcanoes around the world, have been investigated by geophysical observation data. Seismic analyses (moment tensor inversion, particle motions, and initial motions) revealed source locations and source mechanisms of earthquakes associated with summit explosions. Especially very-long-period (VLP) earthquakes with a dominant period of about 10 s are intensively studied because such long-period waves include a lot of source information. Acoustic signals excited with explosions and puffing of gas bubble bursts on the magma surface are analyzed to identify eruptive craters and estimate the eruptive energy. These seismic and acoustic data analyses have been conducted, but detailed examination of the accuracies of source locations or mechanisms are not well studied, which are necessary to discuss the details of magma/gas motions in a small scale from a few hundred meters depths to the craters before and during explosions. The objectives of this study are, therefore, to correctly determine the source locations and mechanisms of eruption earthquakes that are generated at the time of summit explosions (so called Strombolian eruption), and to clarify underground magma/gas motions before and during explosions. We analyze seismic and acoustic data recorded at stations that are very close to the craters with a good coverage and apply several methods for determining source locations and mechanisms.

In Chapter 1, we first summarize previous studies on seismic and acoustic data analyses associated with volcanic explosions at active volcanoes. Subsequently, we present previously obtained results on Stromboli volcano which are based on geophysical observations, laboratory experiments, and numerical simulations. Here, we point out a discrepancy in quantifying magma/gas motions between observations and experiments/simulations. Then, we present the objectives of this study.

In Chapter 2, we introduce a temporary seismic and acoustic observation conducted for the period from 24 to 28 September 2016. The University of Florence deployed four seismo-acoustic stations and one seismic station at Stromboli volcano. These stations were set at only 100-300 m away from the main craters. Also, the stations azimuthally surrounded the craters as much as possible. The data recorded at such a very-near-field observation network show clear VLP (2-20 s, 0.05-0.5 Hz) seismic signals whose onset is about 5 s before the occurrence of an explosion. Seismic signals above 1 Hz and acoustic signals (0.1-20 Hz) associated with bubble bursts are also observed with high signal-to-noise ratios. Characteristics of these seismic and acoustic signals are summarized.

In Chapter 3, we estimate source locations and mechanisms of eruption earthquakes based on a moment tensor inversion method in which topographic effects and tilt motions on seismic waves are taken into account. We analyze the seismic data at 0.05-0.2 Hz, 0.2-0.5 Hz, and 0.5-1.0 Hz. The source locations of seismic signals at the lower frequency part of the VLP band (0.05-0.2 Hz) are located at about 200 m away from the eruptive crater at 600 m or 650 m a.s.l. (depths of 170 m or 120 m). The VLP waveforms of the events located at these two source clusters show slightly different spatial distributions of amplitudes after the onset of acoustic waves. The difference in the source locations may indicate the difference in the source mechanisms during the explosions. Most of the source locations of seismic signals at the higher frequency part of the VLP band (0.2-0.5 Hz) are located at the region of 100 m east of the seismic sources at 0.05-0.2 Hz with an elevation of 600 m a.s.l. (a depth of 170 m). Most of the source locations of long-period (LP) seismic signals at 0.5-1.0 Hz are located almost below the eruptive crater at 700 m a.s.l. (a depth of 70 m). The source mechanisms of the VLP and LP signals are dominated by the diagonal moment tensor components, which suggest volumetric changes at the source regions. The model resolution matrices show that the source mechanisms may not be well resolved. We are not able to discuss the source mechanisms more in detail from analyses of the very-near-field observation data. We further examine the utility and issues of the very-near-field network for estimating the source locations and mechanisms by conducting inversion for synthetic data consisting of a different network configuration and finite source modelling. The results show that the very-near-field network contributes to exactly determine the source locations compared with a distant seismic network with a large number of seismic stations. Synthetic tests using finite source modelling show that the source locations are well recovered but it is difficult to constrain the source mechanisms from the very-near-field observation data.

In Chapter 4, we determine the source locations of the VLP signals at 0.05-0.2 Hz by applying a master event method with a deconvolution technique. We investigate how the repetitive earthquakes are distributed around a master event, which is determined by the moment tensor inversion, based on changes in waveform correlation and source time function. The deconvolution technique enables us to correctly measure the arrival time difference between two seismic events. The relative VLP sources are located around the master event within about 50 m in horizontal and about 80 m in vertical directions. About 80 % of the relative source locations for all the events are determined with an error of less than ± 25 m.

In Chapter 5, we estimate the explosion source depth which represents the surface level of magma in the reservoir or conduit, and the propagation velocity of magma/gas in the conduit by measuring the arrival times of seismic and acoustic signals. By applying an automatically picking method and using the data recorded at the very-near-field network, the onsets of seismic and acoustic signals are systematically measured. As a result, the explosion source depth is estimated to be 72.9 m in average. The propagation velocity of magma/gas, which is derived from the occurrence times and depths of the VLP source (120-170 m) to the explosion source (73 m), is estimated to be 14.4-30.6 m/s. This velocity is much faster than the theoretical values predicted from a gas slug ascent model in a vertical conduit. Since such high-speed magma/gas motions are estimated from analyses of the data at a different station, a gas slug ascent model that has been often used to explain Strombolian eruptions may be necessary to be modified or reconstructed.

In Chapter 6, we firstly analyze the data at a different observations period (in June 2015) to compare the results of source locations and conduit parameters obtained from the September 2016 data. The explosion source depths estimated from the 2015 data are almost same as those estimated from the 2016 data. The result of the relative hypocenter determination shows that the source locations of VLP (0.2-0.5 Hz) signals systematically distribute below two main craters. Subsequently, on the basis of the results obtained from 2015 and 2016 observation data and analyses of a preceding VLP (0.05-0.2 Hz) seismic phase detected 10-20 s before the onset of explosions, we discuss the dynamics of Strombolian eruptions. The eastward migration of the VLP source toward an explosion and westward migration during the explosion are indicated. We infer that these migrations are caused by pressure disturbances associated with a fluid flow and/or pressure waves in the top of the magma reservoir, a reaction force and withdrawal of magma by the explosion, and/or a recovery process of magma in the shallow magma reservoir.

In this thesis, we have investigated the source locations and mechanisms of eruption earthquakes to understand the dynamics of volcanic explosions. Our results highlight usefulness and importance of very-near-field observations at active volcanoes for not only determining the source locations but also detecting temporal changes in the seismic sources before, during and after the explosions. Detailed data analyses of such very-near-field observation enabled us to newly capture lateral magma/gas motions in the magma reservoir that occur for several tens of seconds before and during the explosions at Stromboli volcano.



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