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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Large-scale clustering of light small particles in developed turbulence」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Large-scale clustering of light small particles in developed turbulence

Oka, Sunao 大阪大学



Small solid particles, droplets, and bubbles can form clusters in turbulent flows by the action of coherent vortices. This phenomenon, sometimes called the preferential concentration, was often thought to be most conspicuous when the velocity relaxation time τp of particles is comparable with the Kolmogorov time τ η. However, since high-Reynolds number turbulence consists of coherent eddies with different timescales, particles can form clusters even when τ p ≫ τ η. We demonstrate, by direct numerical simulations, that light particles with different τp values form clusters around axes of coherent vortices with different sizes in developed turbulence.



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45 These particle diameters are determined by the conditions sp ≈ sg and sp ≈ T, respectively. However, we may use smaller particles if the visualized vortices have a long lifetime. This is because, according to (11), vortices with scale ℓ are visualized by the particles with a diameter D in the range √12βνΤ(ℓ)/Κ(ℓ)≲D≲ √12βνΤ(ℓ). Although the estimated D can be larger than η, (5), and therefore (11), may be valid for D < ℓ and τp ≈ T.



