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朱, 尚萍 ZHU, SHANGPING シュ, ショウヘイ 九州大学



Kyushu University Institutional Repository

Study for Thermodynamic Properties of Fluoride
Ion Battery Cathode Materials
朱, 尚萍

出版情報:Kyushu University, 2022, 博士(工学), 課程博士

(様式3)Form 3




論 文 名 :Study for Thermodynamic Properties of Fluoride Ion Battery Cathode



Thesis Summary
High-energy density storage devices are urgently required to meet the increasing demand for
battery-operated electric vehicles, electric trains, and airplanes, which may become the future of
mobility. Hence, the demand for efficient and sustainable systems is increasing drastically. Therefore,
fluoride-ion batteries (FIBs), which works through a chemical reaction that shunts F-ions between
anode and cathode, have been studied. FIBs show higher ion mobility and energy density than most
multivalent ion batteries because monovalent F- ions have a small ion radius, and the theoretical energy
density of FIBs are eight times that of current lithium-ion batteries owing to the movement of several
charged anions per reaction step. Numerous combinations of cathode and anode materials have been
explored for FIBs based on monovalent anions and multivalent cations. Several active materials, such
as Bi, Cu, and Sn, have been used for the development of FIBs. CuF2 exhibits unique capacity and a
high theoretical conversion potential as a cathode material. However, most CuF2 cathodes cannot reach
their theoretical capacity values because of the low F- ion diffusion rate in CuF2.
In terms of utilization rate for active material Cu of FIBs, the cathode material CuPb2F6 was
reported and demonstrated a capacity exceeding that of the conventional CuF2 cathode in previous
studies, in which dispersion of nano Cu and super ion conductor PbF2 improved the utilization of
Cu. However, the deterioration of cathode material was occurred during charge/discharge process,
because of the coarsening of Cu grains during discharging process. In this study, we focus on
thermodynamics properties of Cu-Pb-F ternary system, which is helpful to understand the chemical
reaction during discharge process of CuPb2F6. The thermodynamical properties were investigated
by CALPHAD (Calculation of Phase Diagrams) method, in which the binary, ternary compounds
were assessed by first principal calculation and the optimization of calculated phase diagram was

implemented using experimental data. Especially, the discrepancy of stability between calculated
phase diagram and experimental data was discussed by experimental methods, including atomic
pair distribution function (PDF) analysis of neutron powder diffraction (ND), in which the analysis
of discrepancy is helpful to improve the accuracy of calculated phase diagram and the understanding
of thermodynamics properties.
To investigate the deterioration of cathode and reaction during the discharging process, the MultiPhase-Field (MPF) method coupling with CALPHAD database we calculated above was
implemented to simulate the decomposition and discharge reaction of CuPb2F6 cathode material.
Because of the conservation restriction for all elements during simulation, it is difficult to simulate
discharging process, in which the amounts of F element keep decreasing along with every time step.
Novel model, which splits discharging process into some simulation with small time step, was used
to evaluate microstructure evolution during discharging process by different parameters of
simulation. The grain growth of Cu nanoparticles is considered to be an important cause of
deterioration, and simulations are performed among parameters such as discharge rate, nucleation
ratio and diffusion coefficient.
For the viewpoint of Cu-La-F ternary system, since the ternary compounds does not exist, we
focused on the microstructure of Cu-La alloy in which La can form the fluoride ion conductor LaF3.
Owing to thin-film (2.3 nm) Cu almost accomplished the theoretical capacity in previous studies,
rapid solidification method was used to synthesize Cu-La alloys with fine lamella microstructure,
in which Cu-enrich phases and La-enriched phases were dispersed and expected to be fluorinated
as reported LaNi5 cathode material. Besides, we evaluated the microstructures processed by
different compositions and cooling speed to obtain finest lamella structure. After fluorination, the
finest lamella structure was expected that the dispersed finer Cu and ion conductor LaF3 could
shorten the diffusion path of F- ions.
For investigating the unknown ternary compounds of Cu-La-F and Cu-Pb-F ternary systems,
which is possible to be promising cathode materials as CuPb2F6. the phase stability among these
compounds of Cu-La-F and Cu-Pb-F ternary systems was calculated by Density Functional Theory
(DFT) calculation method and the existence of ternary compounds was predicted by evolutionary
algorithm. Furthermore, the predicted energy curve of Cu-La-F and Cu-Pb-F ternary systems were
evaluated by comparing with reported crystal structure.
Chapter 1 introduced the general information of fluoride ion batteries, fluoride ion conductors,
research methods about thermodynamics properties and the objectives of this study.
Chapter 2 discussed the thermodynamic assessment of Cu-Pb-F system, in which the compounds
in the Cu-Pb-F system were assessed by first principal calculation. The Cu-Pb-F ternary phase
diagram was calculated by CALPHAD method. Moreover, the crystal structure of CuPb2F6 was
refined by ND method and PDF analysis.

Chapter 3 discussed microstructure evolution simulation of promising cathode material CuPb2F6
by Multi-Phase-Field (MPF) method coupling with the database calculated in the Chapter 2. The
decomposition of CuPb2F6 was simulated at high temperature. Moreover, to evaluate discharging
process of CuPb2F6 cathode material, novel model was stablished to investigate the effects of
different parameters, which was helpful to analyze the deterioration of cathode material CuPb2F6.
Chapter 4 discussed the synthesis of Cu-La alloys, as an alternative cathode material in FIBs.
Based on Cu-La phase diagram, the formation of the lamellar structure and Cu-La alloys near
eutectic point were investigated by rapid solidification method. To investigate the effect of cooling
rate, composition of Cu-La alloys was fixed at 24.5 at% La and synthesized at different cooling
speed. Besides, for the detailed observations of microstructure, the alloys, with composition fixed
at 24.5 at% La and cooling speed of 500 and 1000 rpm, were observed by Electron Backscatter
Diffraction (EBSD) and Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM).
Chapter 5 discussed the phase stability of compounds in Cu-La-F and Cu-Pb-F ternary systems.
In order to search for a wider range of stable structures, we used both an evolutionary algorithm and
first-principles calculations to search for stable structures without any restrictions on crystal
Chapter 6 summarized the general results of thermodynamic properties for Cu-La-F, Cu-Pb-F
In general, according to study the thermodynamical properties of Cu-La-F, Cu-Pb-F systems, the
approaches, which could improve the utilization of Cu in the cathode materials of FIBs, were




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The thesis marks the end of a long and memorable journey that I could not have

completed without the dedicated support of my supervisors and peer colleges. My

heartfelt thanks go to my supervisor prof. Satoshi Iikubo for his consistent and helpful

support throughout my PhD studies. I would want to thank him for his patience, help,

empathy, and academic professions. He provided me with excellent chances and advice

in writing papers, and he also spent significant amount of time reviewing my papers and

proving me with constructive feedback to help me better my work.

I would like to express my gratitude to Assistant Professor Hiroshi Akamine, and

Assistant Professor Qin Wang of Kyushu University for their helpful discussions

throughout this study.

I would also like thank Prof. Miki Inada of Kyushu University, Prof. Yuki shirosaki of

Kyushu Institute of Technology, and students from their laboratory for their helpful

feedback and advice, which have help me develop solid arguments in my thesis.

I would also like thank Prof. Tatsuya Tokunaga and Dr. Yichen Zhang of Kyushu

Institute of Technology, who support me for synthesis of Cu-La alloys.

I would also like thank Mr. Takeshi Tojigamori, Hidenori Miki, and Mr. Kousuke Noi

of Toyota motor corporation for their helpful discussions throughout this study.

I would also like thank the support from The Ultramicroscopy Research Center of

Kyushu university.

I would also like thank students and staffs in the same laboratory for their kindness and


I would also like to thank my dear parents for their encouragement and support.

December 2022 Shangping Zhu





