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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Epidemiological investigation of foot-and-mouth disease outbreak in a vaccinated Egyptian dairy herd with analysis of associated risk factors」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Epidemiological investigation of foot-and-mouth disease outbreak in a vaccinated Egyptian dairy herd with analysis of associated risk factors

Refaei, Omnia Hamdy Muhammad Yousif, Ausama Abdelraouf Abdelmoneim Hegazy, Yamen Mohammed Soliman, Soliman Mohammed Salem, Sayed Ahmed Hassan Fayed, Adel Abdel-Azim Mahmoud 北海道大学



This study was conducted to investigate an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in a vaccinated dairy herd (n = 4,145) and to identify the associated risk factors. Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) A Asia Iran-05 and SAT2 Libya 12-like viral RNAs were detected in clinical samples. Our data indicates that the outbreak occurred due to introduction of a field virus into cattle with minimal matching protective immune response. Previous vaccination with a multivalent vaccine did not prevent replication of a field virus that is an antigenic match to one of the vaccine seed viruses; with subsequent development of a mixed infection. The total cumulative incidence for the 31-day follow up period was 49.8% and the total mortality rate was 0.8%. The total incidence rate was 21 cases/1,000 cows/day, with confidence interval (CI) 20.32, 22.15. Analysis of epidemiological data revealed that lactation is the primary factor in disease development and mortalities in dairy herds (P < 0.005), possibly due to increased frequency of exposure and higher virus loads. Within this group, cows with 1 parity are more vulnerable in terms of disease development (relative risk 1.2, CI 1.121, 1.285) but not mortalities (P = 0.359). Correlations between FMD development and age should only be considered in the context of the reproductive state. Our analysis revealed that a reduction of the overall disease impact can be achieved by reduction of virus burdens in farms during outbreaks.


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