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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Numerical Simulations of Volcanic Ash Plume Dispersal for Sakura-jima using a Real-time Emission Rate Estimation」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Numerical Simulations of Volcanic Ash Plume Dispersal for Sakura-jima using a Real-time Emission Rate Estimation

田中, 博 IGUCHI, Masato 筑波大学 DOI:10.20965/jdr.2019.p0160



In this study, a real-time volcanic ash dispersion model called PUFF is applied to the Sakura-jima volcano erupted on 16 June 2018 to assess the performance of the new system connected with a real-time emission rate estimation. The emission rate of the ash mass from the vent is estimated based on an empirical formula developed for the Sakura-jima volcano using seismic monitoring and ground deformation data. According to the time series of the estimated emission rate, a major eruption occurred at 7:20 JST indicating an emission rate of 1000 t/min and continued for 15 min showing a plume height of 4500 m. It is observed that we need to introduce an adjusting constant to fit the model prediction of the ash fallout with the ground observation. Once the particle mass is calibrated, the distributions of ash fallout are compared with other eruption events to confirm the model performance. According to the PUFF model simulations, an airborne ash concentration of 100 mg/m3 extends to a wide area around the volcano within one hour after the eruption. The simulation result quantitatively indicates the location of the danger zone for commercial airliners. The PUFF model system combined with the real-time emission rate estimation is useful for aviation safety purposes as well as for ground transportation and human health around active volcanoes.



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Figure legends

Fig. 1 Time series of the emission rate (ton/min) for local time on 16 June 2018 estimated by Eq. (3). There is an explosive eruption at 7:20 JST showing the emission

rate of 1000 ton/min.

Fig. 2 Time series of the emission rate converted to 5 min (ton/5min) and the corresponding plume height (m) estimated by Eq. (4) as the input for the PUFF model.

The simulation started at 7:10 JST (22:10 UTC) and ended at 13:10 JST (4:10

UTC). The simulation interval is noted from 0 to 6 hours in the abscissa.

Fig. 3 Distribution of wind vectors at 925 hPa and 500 hPa levels at 00:00 UTC on 16

June 2018 (9:00 JST). The real-time GPV data is provided by Japan Meteorological

Agency through the Center for Computational Science, University of Tsukuba.

Fig. 4 PUFF model simulation of the ash plume dispersal for (a) 7:30, (b) 8:00, (c) 8:30,

and (d) 9:00 JST, respectively. The particle colors indicate different plume heights.

Fig. 5 Ash plume dispersal in zonal-height (X-Z) and meridional-height (Y-Z) cross sections for every 5 min starting from 7:10 JST.

Fig. 6 Zonal-height (X-Z) and meridional-height (Y-Z) cross sections of ash plume dispersal for (a) 7:30, (b) 8:00, (c) 8:30, and (d) 9:00 JST, respectively. The colors of

particles indicate different plume heights.

Fig. 7 PUFF model simulation of the 3D perspective image of the volcanic ash plume

dispersal at 8:30 JST on 16 June 2018. The figure is for 70 min after the beginning

of the eruption. The colors of particles indicate a different plume height, and the

projection onto the ground is marked by black dots.


Fig. 8 Particle distribution of ash fallout over 6 hours from the onset of the eruption on

16 June 2018.

Fig. 9 The estimated concentration of ash fallout (g/m2 ) in common log-scale, i.e., 1.0

denotes 10 g/m2 . The contours are calculated by counting the number of fallout

particles in Fig. 8 using 1 km grid meshes.

Fig. 10 As in Fig. 9, but the contours are calculated using 100 m grid meshes. The

contour 2.0 denotes 100 g/m2 .

Fig. 11 Distribution of airborne ash density (mg/m3 ) for (a) 7:30, (b) 8:00, (c) 8:30, and

(d) 9:00 JST, respectively. The values are in common log-scale, i.e., 1.0 denotes 10

mg/m3 .

Fig. 12 Time series of the emission rate converted to 5 min (ton/5min) and the corresponding plume height (m) as in Fig. 2. The simulation started at 22:00 JST (13:00

UTC) and ended at 04:00 JST (19:00 UTC).

Fig. 13 PUFF model simulation of the ash plume dispersal on 13 November 2017 for

(a) 22:30, (b) 23:00, (c) 23:30, and (d) 24:00 JST, respectively, as in Fig. 4. The

particle colors indicate different plume heights.

Fig. 14 Ash plume dispersal in zonal-height (X-Z) and meridional-height (Y-Z) cross

sections for every 5 min as in Fig. 5, starting from 22:00 JST.

Fig. 15 PUFF model simulation of the 3D perspective image of the volcanic ash plume

dispersal at 23:30 JST on 13 November 2017, as in Fig. 7. The figure is for 70 min

after the beginning of the eruption.

Fig. 16 Particle distribution of ash fallout over 6 hours from the onset of the eruption

as in Fig. 8, but on 13 November 2017.


Fig. 17 The estimated concentration of ash fallout (g/m2 ) in common log-scale, as in

Fig. 9 but on 13 November 2017. The contours are calculated using 1 km grid


Fig. 18 As in Fig.17, but the contours are calculated using 100 m grid meshes.

Fig. 19 Distribution of airborne ash density (mg/m3 ) for (a) 22:30, (b) 23:00, (c) 23:30,

and (d) 24:00 JST, respectively, as in Fig. 11 but on 13 November 2017.


Figure 1 Time series of the emission rate (ton/min) for local

time on 16 June 2018 estimated by Eq. (3). There is an

explosive eruption at 7:20 JST showing the emission rate of

1000 ton/min.

Figure 2 Time series of the emission rate converted to 5 min

(ton/5min) and the corresponding plume height (m) estimated

by Eq. (4) as the input for the PUFF model. The simulation

started at 7:10 JST (22:10 UTC) and ended at 13:10 JST (4:10

UTC). The simulation interval is noted from 0 to 6 hours in the


Figure 3 Distribution of wind vectors at 925 hPa and 500 hPa

levels at 00:00 UTC on 16 June 2018 (9:00 JST). The real-time

GPV data is provided by Japan Meteorological Agency.

Figure 4 PUFF model simulation of the ash plume dispersal on

16 June 2018 for (a) 7:30, (b) 8:00, (c) 8:30, and (d) 9:00 JST,

respectively. The particle colors indicate different plume heights.

Figure 5 Ash plume dispersal in zonal-height (X-Z) and

meridional-height (Y-Z) cross sections for for every 5 min

starting from 7:10 JST.

Figure 6 Zonal-height (X-Z) and meridional-height (Y-Z) cross

sections of ash plume dispersal for (a) 7:30, (b) 8:00, (c) 8:30,

and (d) 9:00 JST, respectively. The colors of particles indicate

different plume heights.

Figure 7 PUFF model simulation of the 3D perspective image

of the volcanic ash plume dispersal at 8:30 JST on 16 June

2018. The figure is for 70 min after the beginning of the

eruption. The colors of particles indicate a different plume

height, and the projection onto the ground is marked by black


Figure 8 Particle distribution of ash fallout over 6 hours from

the onset of the eruption on 16 June 2018.

Figure 9 The estimated concentration of ash fallout (g/m2) in

common log-scale, i.e., 1.0 denotes 10 g/m2. The contours are

calculated by counting the number of fallout particles in Fig. 8

using 1 km grid meshes.

Figure 10 As in Fig. 9, but the contours are calculated using

100 m grid meshes. The contour 2.0 denotes 100 g/m2.

Figure 11 Distribution of airborne ash density (mg/m3) for (a)

7:30, (b) 8:00, (c) 8:30, and (d) 9:00 JST, respectively. The

values are in common log-scale, i.e., 1.0 denotes 10 mg/m3.

Figure 12 Time series of the emission rate converted to 5 min

(ton/5min) and the corresponding plume height (m) as in Fig. 2.

The simulation started at 22:00 JST (13:00 UTC) and ended at

04:00 JST (19:00 UTC).

Figure 13 PUFF model simulation of the ash plume dispersal

on 13 November 2017 for (a) 22:30, (b) 23:00, (c) 23:30, and (d)

24:00 JST, respectively, as in Fig. 4.

indicate different plume heights.

The particle colors

Figure 14 Ash plume dispersal in zonal-height (X-Z) and

meridional-height (Y-Z) cross sections for every 5 min as in Fig.

5, starting from 22:00 JST.

Figure 15 PUFF model simulation of the 3D perspective

image of the volcanic ash plume dispersal at 23:30 JST on 13

November 2017, as in Fig. 7. The figure is for 70 min after the

beginning of the eruption.

Figure 16 Particle distribution of ash fallout over 6 hours

from the onset of the eruption as in Fig. 8, but on 13 November


Figure 17 The estimated concentration of ash fallout (g/m2) in

common log-scale, as in Fi.g 9 but on 13 November 2017. The

contours are calculated using 1 km grid meshes.

Figure 18 As in Fig.17, but the contours are calculated using

100 m grid meshes.

Figure 19 Distribution of airborne ash density (mg/m3) for (a)

7:30, (b) 8:00, (c) 8:30, and (d) 9:00 JST, respectively, as in Fig.

11 but on 13 November 2017.




