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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Interaction of low-level cloud and sea surface temperature around oceanic frontal region in summertime North Pacific」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Interaction of low-level cloud and sea surface temperature around oceanic frontal region in summertime North Pacific

Takahashi Naoya 東北大学



Oceanic low-level clouds play a key role in modulating the Earth’s radiation budget, which generally have strong cooling effect due to their large albedo and warm cloud top temperature. Variability of the low-level cloud interacts strongly with the sea surface temperature (SST) via two-way physical processes between them. Through the stratification process of the atmospheric boundary layer, decreasing SST promotes the low-level cloud formation, which promotes cooling of the sea surface itself by more reflection of the solar radiation by the low-level cloud. As a result, a positive feedback exists between the radiative impact of the low-level cloud and SST, especially in summertime North Pacific (NP). Main problem about the relationship is “a dependence on timescale for a key trigger of the positive feedback loop, particularly for the role of SST”. Thus, we investigated the causal relationship between the low-level cloud properties and SST on various timescales based on the observational data analysis and numerical experiments using atmospheric regional model. We mainly focused on three timescales; 1) synoptic, 2) intra-seasonal, and 3) inter-annual. The goal of this study is to advance our understanding of the two-way processes and its timescale dependence in summertime NP.

First, we investigated the two-way physical processes on an intra-seasonal timescale in summertime (June to October) North Pacific (165-175˚E and 30-40˚N) based on satellite observational and reanalysis datasets from 2003 to 2016. The intra-seasonal timescale (20-100 days) is dominant not only for the low-level cloud cover (LCC), but also for LCC controlling factors such as SST, estimated inversion strength (EIS), and horizontal temperature advection (Tadv). Thus, there is a possibility of the two-way process between LCC and SST on this timescale. To reveal the detailed lead-lag relationship among these variables, we conducted phase composite analysis with a bandpass filter based on the intra-seasonal variability of LCC. The composite analysis suggests that intra-seasonal variability of LCC precedes to that of SST, and that horizontal dry-cold advection from the poleward region is a trigger for increasing LCC and decreasing SST. The increase of LCC anomaly corresponds to a positive relative humidity anomaly which is due to the decreasing saturated water vapor pressure by anomalous cold temperature advection within the boundary layer. Heat budget analysis of the ocean mixed-layer suggests that the horizontal dry-cold advection cools SST not only by enhancing latent heat release but also by decreasing downward shortwave radiation at the sea surface through a positive LCC anomaly. Determining the detailed lead-lag relationship between LCC and its controlling factors is an effective approach to understand the mechanisms of both low-level cloud evolution and air–sea interaction.

Second, we investigated the active role of the SST front in modulating oceanic low-level cloud properties in the Oyashio Extension during summertime based on a Weather Research and Forecasting numerical simulation. It is known that the SST front in wintertime modulate the atmospheric variability in the mid-latitudes, but it is not known whether the SST front in summertime does. To reveal the impact of SST anomaly associated with the front on the low-level cloud, we conducted two experiments with different bottom boundary conditions. The first was constrained by 0.25° daily SST data from July to August 2016 (CTL experiment) and the second by spatially smoothed SST without SST frontal characteristics in the same period (SMO experiment). The period- mean cloud water mixing ratio of marine fog near the sea surface in the CTL experiment was larger than that in the SMO experiment by 20%–40% on the northern flank of the SST front. This result indicated that the SST front affected the mean-state of the low-level cloud properties. The SST front also affected the synoptic variability of low-level cloud, and the magnitude of the effect depended on the meridional wind across the SST front. We found two competing physical processes modulating the marine fog properties around the SST front. First, a local cold SST anomaly on the northern flank reduced the saturated water vapor pressure near the surface, which are favorable for the marine fog formation (SST anomaly effect). Second, horizontal temperature advection from the warm to cold flanks of the SST front suppressed the marine fog formation, and the suppression was effective when the horizontal gradient of SST anomaly was large (SST frontal effect). Thus, the overall impact of the SST front on the marine fog properties depended on the local SST anomaly, the meridional wind across the front position, and the horizontal gradient of SST. Our results indicated the importance of SST frontal characteristics in summertime Oyashio Extension for the marine fog formation.

Finally, we investigated the active role of the variation of the summertime Oyashio Extension SST front in modulating low-level cloud properties (LCC, cloud optical thickness [COT], and shortwave cloud radiative effect [SWCRE]) on an inter-annual timescale, based on various observational datasets during 2003–2016. First, we examined the mechanism of summertime SST front variability. The strength of the SST front (SSSTF), defined as the maximum horizontal gradient of SST, has clear inter-annual variations. Frontogenesis equation analysis and regression analysis for oceanic subsurface temperature indicated that the inter-annual variation of the summertime SSSTF in the western North Pacific is strongly related to variabilities in the Kuroshio and Oyashio Extensions but not surface heat flux. The response of low-level cloud to intensified the SSSTF is that positive (negative) SWCRE with smaller LCC (larger COT) on the southern (northern) flank of the SST front which is induced by warm (cold) SST anomalies. The spatial scale of the low-level cloud response was larger than the SST frontal scale (~300 km), and the responses were strongly localized over the western boundary currents (i.e., Kuroshio and Oyashio Currents). The SST played the largest role in modulating low-level cloud among the controlling factors (i.e., EIS, Tadv) accounting for more than 40% of the variation. This implies the presence of active SST role in summertime. Using combined datasets, the present study provides observational evidence for the active role of summertime SST anomalies in the Oyashio and Kuroshio Extensions. Entire results in the present study provides new insight into two-way physical processes between low-level cloud and SST in the mid-latitudes.


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