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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Barthelonids represent a deep-branching metamonad clade with mitochondrion-related organelles predicted to generate no ATP」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Barthelonids represent a deep-branching metamonad clade with mitochondrion-related organelles predicted to generate no ATP

YAZAKI, Euki KUME, Keitaro SHIRATORI, Takashi EGLIT, Yana TANIFUJI, Goro HARADA, Ryo SIMPSON, Alastair G.B. ISHIDA, Ken-ichiro HASHIMOTO, Tetsuo 稲垣, 祐司 筑波大学 DOI:32873198



We here report the phylogenetic position of barthelonids, small anaerobic flagellates previously examined using light microscopy alone. Barthelona spp. were isolated from geographically distinct regions and we established five laboratory strains. Transcriptomic data generated from one Barthelona strain (PAP020) were used for large-scale, multi-gene phylogenetic (phylogenomic) analyses. Our analyses robustly placed strain PAP020 at the base of the Fornicata clade, indicating that barthelonids represent a deep-branching metamonad clade. Considering the anaerobic/microaerophilic nature of barthelonids and preliminary electron microscopy observations on strain PAP020, we suspected that barthelonids possess functionally and structurally reduced mitochondria (i.e. mitochondrion-related organelles or MROs). The metabolic pathways localized in the MRO of strain PAP020 were predicted based on its transcriptomic data and compared with those in the MROs of fornicates. We here propose that strain PAP020 is incapable of generating ATP in the MRO, as no mitochondrial/MRO enzymes involved in substrate-level phosphorylation were detected. Instead, we detected a putative cytosolic ATP-generating enzyme (acetyl-CoA synthetase), suggesting that strain PAP020 depends on ATP generated in the cytosol. We propose two separate losses of substrate-level phosphorylation from the MRO in the clade containing barthelonids and (other) fornicates.







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gain of

but after assessing the data from stain PAP020, this particular

event needs to be pushed back at least to the common ancestor

of fornicates and barthelonids, as strain PAP020 and multiple

early branching CLOs (e.g. C. membranifera) share ACS2. It is

noteworthy that acquisition of ACS2 may extend back to the

last common metamonad ancestor, since a possibly directly

related ACS2 is also present in Paratrimastix (electronic supplementary material, figure S5). Secondly, as barthelonids are

distantly related to D. brevis and diplomonads, loss of substrate-level phosphorylation in barthelonid MROs, if this is

the case, can be assumed to have occurred independently

from the loss in the common ancestor of D. brevis and diplomonads (highlighted by blue diamonds in figure 5). Further,

barthelonids and the common ancestor of D. brevis and

diplomonads seem to have accommodated the loss of

MRO-localized substrate-level phosphorylation via possessing

evolutionarily distinct ACS homologues (ACS2 and ACS1,

represented by yellow and red lines, respectively, in figure 5).

Finally, pyruvate metabolism might have been relocated from

the MRO to the cytosol in strain PAP020 as seen in G. intestinalis















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