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矢野(井上), 千絵子 YANO(INOUE), Chieko ヤノ(イノウエ), チエコ 九州大学



Kyushu University Institutional Repository

Coexistence of bone and vascular disturbances
in patients with endogenous glucocorticoid
矢野(井上), 千絵子

出版情報:Kyushu University, 2023, 博士(医学), 課程博士
権利関係:Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

氏 名:

矢野(井上) 千絵子


Coexistence of bone and vascular disturbances in patients with endogenous
glucocorticoid excess

区 分:

論 文 内 容 の 要 旨

目的 骨疾患と血管疾患は共通の発症メカニズムを持つと考えられている。過剰なグルココルチコイ
方法 副腎腫瘍(AT)患者194名を対象とした:自律的なコルチゾール分泌(ACS、n=97)および非機
能性AT(n=97)である。ACSはさらに、顕性CS(n=17)と不顕性CS(SCS, n=80)に分類された。動脈
結果 ACS患者では、椎体骨折と動脈硬化の併存率(23% vs. 2%、p<0.001)、椎体骨折と腹部大動
脈石灰化(22% vs. 1%、p<0.001)の併存率が高値であった。ロジスティック回帰分析では、ACS患
η2 =0.07、p<0.001)。共分散分析では、椎体骨折と動脈硬化が併存している患者は、そうでない患
結論 内因性グルココルチコイド過剰症では、骨および血管疾患が併存していることが多く、骨量減



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6. Conclusion

In endogenous glucocorticoid excess, bone and vascular diseases

frequently coexisted, and deteriorated bone quality, not bone loss, was

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Data availability

Data supporting the findings presented in this study are available

from the corresponding authors upon reasonable request.


This work was supported in part by the grants from “JSPS KAKENHI”

(JP20K16525 and 21J40043 to M. Y-U., 22H04993 to Y.O., and

22K08627 to H.U.), “The JSBMR Rising Stars Grant” (to M. Y-U.),

“JAPAN Osteoporosis Foundation” (to M. Y-U.), “Takeda Science

Foundation” (to H.U.), “Kaibara Morikazu Medical Science Promotion

Foundation” (to H.U. and M. Y-U.), “Japan Foundation for Applied

Enzymology” (to H.U. and M. Y-U.), “The Uehara Memorial Foundation”

(to H.U.), and “Secom Science and Technology Foundation” (to Y.O.).

CRediT authorship contribution statement

Conceptualization; CY, MY-U, YO, Data curation; CY, RS, YM, SK, NI,

Formal analysis; CY, MY-U, MF, MO, TF, Funding acquisition; MY-U,

HU, YO, Methodology; HU, MY-U, YO, Project administration; HU,

YM, MY-U, YO; Resources; YM, RS, MY-U, Supervision; HU, NI, RS, ET,

YO, Writing-original draft; CY, MY-U, Writing- review & editing; CY,


Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial

interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence

the work reported in this paper.


We thank Ms. Chitose Matsuzaki (Department of Medicine and Bio­

regulatory Science, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu Uni­

versity), and Ms. Tomoko Kimura and Ms. Noriko Mizoguchi (Division of

Radiology, Department of Medical Technology, Kyushu University

Hospital) for their technical assistance, and the medical staff of

Department of Endocrinology, Metabolism, and Diabetes, Kyushu Uni­

versity Hospital for their support. We also thank Editage (www.editage.

com) for English language editing. M.Y-U. is grateful for the JSPS

Research Fellowship RPD.

C. Yano et al.

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