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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Two-photon comb with wavelength conversion and 20-km distribution for quantum communication」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Two-photon comb with wavelength conversion and 20-km distribution for quantum communication

Kazuya Niizeki Daisuke Yoshida Ko Ito Ippei Nakamura 10758949 Nobuyuki Takei 20531841 Kotaro Okamura Ming-Yang Zheng Xiu-Ping Xie Tomoyuki Horikiri 40530275 横浜国立大学



Quantum computing and quantum communication, have been greatly developed in recent years and expected to contribute to quantum internet technologies, including cloud quantum computing and unconditionally secure communication. However, long-distance quantum communication is challenging mainly because of optical fiber losses; quantum repeaters are indispensable for fiber-based transmission because unknown quantum states cannot be amplified with certainty. In this study, we demonstrate a versatile entanglement source in the telecom band for fiber-based quantum internet, which has a narrow linewidth of sub-MHz range, entanglement fidelity of more than 95%, and Bell-state generation even with frequency multimode. Furthermore, after a total distribution length of 20-km in fiber, two-photon correlation is observed with an easily identifiable normalized correlation coefficient, despite the limited bandwidth of the wavelength converter. The presented implementation promises an efficient method for entanglement distribution that is compatible with quantum memory and frequency-multiplexed long-distance quantum communication applications.








Two-photon comb. Two photons were generated by the SPDC process in two

PPLN crystals (manufactured by Jinan Institute of Quantum Technology) having

the dimensions of 0.5 × 3 × 10 mm and 0.5 × 0.5 × 10 mm, arranged orthogonally in

a bow-tie cavity. The small dimensions allowed the crystals to precisely align with

the laser path. The temperatures of the crystals and their holders were stabilized to

be within ~1 mK. An SPDC pump laser of 757 nm was obtained by second harmonic generation (SHG) of a 1514-nm external-cavity diode laser (Sacher,

TEC420-1530-1000), whose wavelength was stabilized using acetylene molecules.

The pump laser was focused to a waist size of ~25 μm using lenses and a

plano–concave mirror to achieve strong parametric interaction53.

The optical cavity was stabilized using the Pound–Drever–Hall technique for

this laser with an optical chopper with a duty cycle of 1/3. The two photons were

separated using a 50:50 laser-line beam splitter, following which they entered a

tomographic setup consisting of a zero-order 1514-nm quarter-wave plate, halfwave plate, and vertical-transmittance polarizer, similar to that in ref. 43. To

generate a Bell state, two additional half-waveplates were placed in the path of one

photon: one plate was used as a phase shifter by aligning the yaw angle, and the

other was used as a bit flipper with a slow axis of 45°. The measurement time for

one basis was 15 s, which was sufficient to converge the correlation function with a

relatively strong pump power of 100 μW. The total testing time was ~10 min,

including a rest time of 20 s. In almost all our experiments, the SSPDs were

superconducting single-photon detectors with a detection efficiency of ~85%,

which was the maximum value for our setup. However, a detection efficiency of

~60% was used in the experiments yielding the results shown in Fig. 4b (blue dots)

because our SiAPDs had an efficiency of 60% for visible wavelengths (SPCMAQRH-14-FC). The maximal input power was 10 mW, resulting in a detected

count rate approaching the limit of ~107. We utilized HydraHarp 400 as a TCSPC

module, whose resolution is 32 ps for that shown in Fig. 2a, and 16 ps for the

others. The 32-ps resolution was used because it could record longer interval times,

which was required for measuring the coincidences with an adequate margin.














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We thank H. Goto, Q. Zhang, Y. Yamamoto, S. Utsunomiya, T. Kobayashi, M. Fraser, I.

Iwakura, S. Tamura, K. Ikeda, and F.-L. Hong for their support. This work was supported

by the Toray Science Foundation, the Asahi Glass Foundation, the KDDI Foundation,

the SECOM Foundation, Research Foundation for Opto-Science and Technology, JST

PRESTO JPMJPR1769, JST START ST292008BN, and Kanagawa Institute of Industrial

Science and Technology (KISTEC). T.H. also acknowledge members of Quantum

Internet Task Force, which is a research consortium to realize the Quantum Internet, for

comprehensive and interdisciplinary discussions of the Quantum Internet.

Author contributions

K.N. and T.H. conceived this project. K.N., D.Y., I.N., N.T., K.O., and T.H. designed the

experiments. M.-Y.Z. and X.-P.X. fabricated the SPDC crystals. K.N., D.Y., and K.I.

performed the experiments. K.N. and T.H. analyzed the data and drafted the manuscript.

K.N., N.T., X.-P. X., and T.H. revised the text. All the authors contributed to discussions.

Competing interests

The authors declare no competing interests.

Additional information

Supplementary information is available for this paper at https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005020-00406-1.

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