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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Differential Evolution Explores a Multiobjective Knowledge-based Energy Function for Protein Structure Prediction」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Differential Evolution Explores a Multiobjective Knowledge-based Energy Function for Protein Structure Prediction

陳 星倩 富山大学



Proteins are complex large organic macromolecules that are composed of one or more chains of 20 different amino acids in specific orders. Many fundamental biological functions in organisms are performed by proteins, such as structural support, material transport, and regulation functions. Since the structure of a protein determines its biological functions, knowledge of its native structures is essential for understanding its role in life activities. Three experimental methods, i.e., X-ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy, and cryo-electron microscopy, are commonly used to perform protein structure determination. However, all of these experimental methods are costly and waste much of time. On the other hand, since the three-dimensional structure of a protein is determined by its amino acid sequence, it is very meaningful for researchers to obtain the three-dimensional (3D) structure of the protein from its sequence by calculation methods.

How to predict the 3D structure of a given protein starting only from its amino acid sequence is called the protein structure prediction (PSP) problem. The high theoretical value and practical significance make the research of this problem necessary and promising. Despite the rapid development of computer techniques and the unremitting efforts of researchers, the PSP problem remains challenging in bioinformatics and computational biology. Numerous approaches have been proposed to solve the PSP problem. These approaches can be roughly grouped into two categories: template-based modeling and free modeling (FM). The two pivotal factors of a successful FM prediction approach are an efficient search strategy and an effective energy function.

Since the conformation search space is very large, an exhaustive search strategy is infeasible under normal circumstances. A successful FM must employee efficient search strategies to find the global minimum of a given energy function. The most common conformation search method employed in FMs is the Monte Carlo algorithm or its variations. Recently, employing evolutionary computation techniques as the search strategy in FMs has attracted researchers' interest, and considerable success has been achieved. Protein energy functions are used to select more native-like conformations during the process of protein folding. The existing protein energy functions can be roughly classified into two groups: physics-based energy functions and knowledge-based energy functions.

In my research of defending PhD, I try to model the PSP problem as a multi-objective optimization problem and use an differential evolution search strategy to solve the problem. In details, the PSP problem is modeled as a multiobjective optimization problem, and a FM approach called MODE-K is proposed to solve this problem. my efforts center on two aspects. First, a knowledge-based energy function called RWplus is used as the evaluation criterion. This function is decomposed into two terms: an orientation-dependent energy term and a distance-dependent energy term. Second, a multiobjective differential evolution coupled with an external archive employed to perform conformation space searching. After conformation space searching, we introduce a cluster method to select the final predicted structure from series of decoy structures. The performance of the method was verified with eighteen test proteins. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method and indicate that incorporating knowledge-based energy functions into multiobjective approaches to solve the PSP problem is promising.

The contribution of this thesis is fourfold: first, the PSP problem is modeled as a multiobjective optimization problem and two knowledge-based energy terms are used to construct the energy function. Second, a new MODE algorithm that interacts with an external archive is proposed. Third, an integral work flow is provided. The clustering method which called MUFOLD-CL is used to identify the final predicted structure from a set of decoy structures that are stored in the archive. Fourth, eighteen test proteins categorized into three structural classes are used to evaluate the proposed method. More investigation of the experimental results provides evidence of the superior performance of the proposed approach.


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