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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Biochemical characterization of phenolic and agrochemical compounds-degrading capacity of Bacillus licheniformis strain TAB7」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Biochemical characterization of phenolic and agrochemical compounds-degrading capacity of Bacillus licheniformis strain TAB7

MPOFU, ENOCK 東京大学 DOI:10.15083/0002002074



TAB7 is a thermophilic strain of B. licheniformis which was isolated as a Tween 20 degrader from composting livestock excrement in Japan. It was subsequently shown to have the ability to degrade short chain fatty acids such as valeric, butyric, propionic and related acids responsible for the offensive odor in manure. Inoculation of manure with strain TAB7, before composting, results in production of compost with decreased odor. Toyota Motor Corporation developed and patented a compost deodorizing process which makes use of strain TAB7 as a deodorizing agent.

Previously, Toyota Motor Corporation found that when the extract from TAB7 deodorized compost was used in growing Komatsuna vegetables, there was better seed germination and growth of the vegetable compared to the control. This observation raised interests in the possible seed germination and plant growth promotion ability of TAB7. Furthermore, there are preliminary reports of less residual agrochemical compounds in soils where TAB7 deodorized compost had been used suggesting that TAB7 can potentially degrade agrochemicals as well.

There are many ways in which bacteria can promote seed germination and plant growth. One way would be through production and secretion of compounds which directly promote plant growth such as phytohormones (e.g. auxins, gibberellins and cytokinins), plant growth promoting volatiles (e.g. acetoin) and nutrient mobilizing compounds (e.g. iron chelating compounds likes bacillibactin). The other way would be through metabolic activities which may have the effect of reducing plant growth inhibitors and/or phytopathogens. For example, degradation of allelochemicals such as phenolic compounds or production of antibiotics against phytopathogens.

In order to gain insight into the potential contribution of TAB7 towards plant growth promotion and phenolic and agrochemical compound degradation, we carried out whole genome sequencing and analysis of TAB7 and went further to carry out phenolic and agrochemical degradation assays and identification of degradation intermediate/products.

TAB7 whole genome sequencing
The whole genome sequence of TAB7 was determined by preparing Illumina’s PCR-free and long insert Mate-Pair libraries and sequencing them on a MiSeq platform. Three replicons, a 4,367,367 bp chromosome and two circular plasmids, pTAB7A (42,138 bp) and pTAB7B (31,204 bp) were assembled and analyzed. ORF prediction and functional annotation were done with the aid of Microbial Genome Annotation Pipeline (MiGAP) and the Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline (PGAP). The two annotation pipelines were compared and PGAP manually corrected using GenomeMatcher, CLC sequence viewer (CLC bio, Aarhus, Denmark), EMBOSS Transeq and BLASTp (NCBI) software. Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway database was used to predict metabolic pathways in TAB7.

The chromosome of TAB7 has a G+C content of 45.82% and 4,429 coding DNA sequences (CDS). It encodes 85 tRNAs and has 7 rRNA operons. pTAB7A (51 CDS) and pTAB7B (33 CDS) have G+C contents of 40.10% and 38.61% respectively (1).

TAB7 genome harbors genes, gene clusters and operons involved in the biosynthesis of a number of plant-growth promoting compounds. TAB7 can synthesize indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) via one of the three biosynthetic pathways namely the indole-3-pyruvic acid (IPyA) pathway, the indole-3-acetonitrile (IAN) pathway and the tryptamine (TAM) pathway whose putative genes it harbors. Indeed, when grown in LB broth, with and without tryptophan, TAB7 cells produced 207 ng/mL and 117ng/mL of IAA, respectively. TAB7 genome also harbors the MEP/DOXP pathway and a putative miaA gene indicating that it could produce adenine-derived cytokinins. Furthermore, TAB7 has putative dhbACEBF operon which codes for bacillibactin, a siderophore which binds iron in the rhizosphere making it available for plant growth. Genes coding for phytase and alkaline phosphatase are also present indicating the possible ability of TAB7 to solubilize phosphates making them readily available to plants. The speABDE genes coding for enzymes involved in spermidine biosynthesis are also present. Spermidine plays a role in plant resistance to stresses like salty environments. TAB7 may also produce kanosamine, an antibiotic which has been shown to be active against some phytopathogen. Furthermore, the genome harbors an incomplete protocatechuate degradative operon, praABCDEHI, and other genes encoding enzymes like phenolic acid decarboxylase, vanillic acid decarboxylase and vanillin dehydrogenase, responsible for biotransformation of phenolic compounds. However, an O-demethylase gene has not been identified yet. These results suggest that TAB7 may be involved in transformation of phenolic compounds without necessarily mineralizing them. In this way, TAB7 could be involved in allelochemical reduction in the compost, thus, promoting seed germination and plant growth.

Phenolic compounds biotransformation
TAB7’s ability to utilize and/or biotransform the following phenolic compounds was assessed: ferulic, vanillic, p-coumaric, caffeic, protocatechuic and syringic acids, vanillin as well as cinnamic acid (not a phenolic acid but an important precursor). For utilization of phenolic acids as sole carbon sources, TAB7 cells where grown in carbon free (CF) mineral medium supplemented with 0.2 mg/mL of individual phenolic acid and incubated in an OD monitor at 30℃ with shaking (200 strokes/min) for up to 24 h. For degradation assays, cells were grown in LB media supplemented with 0.2 mg/mL of individual phenolic compound and incubated for up to 15 days followed by analyzing for degradation using HPLC at selected intervals. The results showed that TAB7 could not utilize assessed phenolic compounds as sole carbon sources but could transform ferulic, caffeic, p-coumaric, vanillic and protocatechuate as well as vanillin. It however could not transform cinnamic and syringic acids LC-MS/MS analysis of biotransformation products determined that ferulic acid was transformed into 4-vinylguaiacol as the final product in a one-step reaction, likely catalyzed by phenolic acid decarboxylase. Caffeic acid was, interestingly, transformed into 4-ethylcatechol in a two-step putative pathway involving an initial transformation of caffeic acid into 4-vinylcatechol by a putative phenolic acid decarboxylase followed by transformation of the 4-vinylcatechol into its ethyl derivative by a putative vinylcatechol reductase. Vinyl catechol reductases described and characterized so far, with the exception of one, are from fungi, making this and interesting finding.

Agrochemical compounds degradation
TAB7’s ability to degrade azoxystrobin, kresoxim methyl, orysastrobin, trifloxystrobin, pyraclostrobin, boscalid, difenoconazole, flutolanil, iprodione, isoprothiolane, tebuconazole and tetraconazole was assessed by growing the bacteria in LB media supplemented with 100 ppm of individual agrochemical compound over up to 40 days followed by analyzing for degradation using HPLC. The results showed that TAB7 could degrade azoxystrobin, kresoxim methyl, trifloxystrobin and difenoconazole. In the degradation of azoxystrobin and difenoconazole, new product/intermediate peaks were detected, and their fractions were collected, purified and analyzed by ESI-MS and NMR for identification. NMR analysis is still in progress. However, preliminary results suggest that TAB7 does not convert azoxystrobin to azoxystrobin acid as most reported bacteria do. The results indicate a novel degradation product, likely a derivative of azoxystrobin enol. On the other hand, difenoconazole is likely converted into an acid whose structure is yet to be identified

Summary and future prospects
Through genome sequencing and analysis, this work has revealed that TAB7 indeed has the capacity to promote seed germination and plant growth. This is an important starting point for further research into which of the traits identified in the genome, translate to actual seed germination and plant growth promotion in microcosm experiments.

This work also showed that while TAB7 does not mineralize phenolic compounds, it has the ability to transform a variety of monocyclic phenolic compounds. It would be interesting to evaluate if this plays a role in plant growth promotion.

TAB7 degradation of azoxysrtrobin, kresoxim methyl, trifloxystrobin and difenoconazole is an important result as it means treating compost with TAB7 not only deodorizes it but also leads to reduction of some agrochemical compounds which may pollute the environment. The product of azoxystrobin transformation brings new and interesting information on the possible degradation products of azoxystrobin in the environment.


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