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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Electronic properties of bismuth studied by systematic film control at the nanoscale」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Electronic properties of bismuth studied by systematic film control at the nanoscale

伊藤, 俊 東京大学 DOI:10.15083/0002001843



Elemental bismuth (Bi) has provided an irreplaceable platform for condensed matter physics due to its several extreme properties. The single crystal is a typical semimetal with tiny car- rier pockets and a three-dimensional Dirac dispersion, which respectively generates a strong quantum size effect (QSE) and anomalous electronic transport phenomena. Moreover, its largest atomic spin-orbit coupling among every stable element has made Bi a central compo- nent in recent studies of topologically nontrivial materials. Despite intense research efforts continuing from the early 20 century, two fundamental issues have long been controversial on this attracting material: its electronic topology and a QSE-induced semimetal-semiconductor (SMSC) transition. In the present work, we attempt to solve these two major problems in Bi by direct observations of electronic band structures using angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES) on Bi thin films whose conditions are systematically controlled at the nanoscale.

The first part of this thesis is on the electronic topology of pure Bi itself, whose experimental determination has been challenging due to the presence of the bulk band gap as small as ∼10 meV and its three-dimensional Dirac band. The latter disperses sharply beyond the maximum momentum resolution expected in ARPES, which is fundamentally limited by an uncertainty relation for photoelectrons. We overcome these difficulties by measuring Bi thin films, instead of its single crystal, for determining the pure bulk property. Quantum well states (QWSs) formed in atomically thin films are two-dimensional states that are free from the resolution limit and still encompass the original three-dimensional band information in the systematic evolution against thicknesses. We show that synthesis of high-quality Bi films leads to observations of the QWS bands on the same energy scale as the bulk band gap. Analyses focusing on a phase shift of QWS wave functions and their level evolution toward the infinite bulk limit precisely identify connections between the surface and bulk band structures, which unambiguously shows a nontrivial topological order.

Before entering the second topic, we scrutinize an electron doping effect caused by adsorption of alkali-metal atoms on a Bi surface, which provides an important tool to observe unoccupied electronic structures by ARPES. By combining systematic measurements on cesium (Cs)- adsorbed Bi films with first-principles calculations, we reveal that Cs-induced energy shifts of the surface bands are directly related to vertical charge-density profiles of each state in a pristine Bi film. In contrast, QWS bands show a conventional rigid-shift behavior. We provide a unified picture of the Cs-induced electron doping based on spatial distributions of each electronic state and Cs-Bi hybridization.

The final part of this thesis is on the SMSC transition in ultrathin Bi films, a unique phase transition driven by quantization of electronic structures. Although it was theoretically predicted more than 50 years ago, the experimental detection has been seriously contradicting between transport and ARPES measurements, which respectively report a semiconducting behavior and a metallic bulk band envelope in atomically thin films. By using our high- quality Bi films and the established alkali-metal adsorption technique, we achieve the first direct observation of the SMSC transition with all the QWS bands clearly resolved. Moreover, anomalous evolution of the QWS energy levels in atomically thin regions clearly show the presence of a mechanism beyond the QSE. Fully utilizing the visualization of fine electronic structures and stepwise theoretical analyses with tight-binding, first-principles, and model calculations, we reveal an unprecedented mechanism: many-body correlations between surface and bulk charge densities gradually deform a one-body confinement potential to that with a double-well-like character, which transforms quantized bulk states into surface-conducting ones and naturally reconciles the previous contradictions. This discovery not only provides the complete picture of the SMSC transition but can also be generalized as a novel size effect governing nanoscale transport in systems with metallic edge states.

The present work thus clarifies the two long-discussed problems in Bi and at the same time introduces a universal framework for investigating electronic properties in matter by systematic control of dimensionality, carrier concentration, and various size-dependent effects pertinent to the presence of a substrate and edge states.


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