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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「The size and angular momentum evolution of high redshift galaxies」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




The size and angular momentum evolution of high redshift galaxies

岡村, 拓 東京大学 DOI:10.15083/0002004716



The morphology, size, and angular momentum of galaxies are three fundamental quantities that can be used as probes for internal structure and kinematics. Studying these quantities at high-redshift provides us invaluable insights for galaxy formation and evolution.

This thesis consists of two parts. In the first part, we investigate the angular momentum evolution of disk galaxies at z ∼ 2, 3, and 4. The stellar disk size of a galaxy depends on the fraction of the dark halo mass settled as disk stars, m⋆ ≡ M⋆/Mdh, and the fraction of the dark halo angular momentum transferred to the stellar disk, j⋆ ≡ J⋆/Jdh. Since m⋆ and j⋆ are determined in a different manner by a series of star-formation related processes such as inflows and feedbacks, measuring j⋆ and m⋆ at various redshifts is needed to understand those processes and thus the formation history of disk galaxies. However, angular momentum studies at z > 1 are still very limited because it is difficult to kinematically measure j⋆.

We use the 3D-HST GOODS-S, COSMOS, and AEGIS imaging data and photo-z catalog, where stellar masses and star formation rates are also given, to examine j⋆ and m⋆ for starforming galaxies at z ∼ 2, 3, and 4, when disks are actively forming. For each redshift, we divide the catalog into M⋆ bins and infer Mdh from clustering analysis and abundance matching, thus obtaining m⋆ for each bin. We also measure, for objects in each bin, effective radii rd at rest 5000 ̊A with GALFIT which, combined with Mo et al.’s (1998) analytic disk formation model and Mdh and m⋆ measurements, gives j⋆ without measuring disk kinematics.

We find that the j⋆/m⋆ ratio is ≃ 0.77 ± 0.06 for all three redshifts over the entire mass range examined, 8 × 1010 < Mdh/h−1M⊙ < 2 × 1012, with a possible (< 30%) decrease with mass. This high ratio is close to those of local disk galaxies, descendants of our galaxies in Mdh growth, implying a nearly constant j⋆/m⋆ over past 12 Gyr. It is found that recent theoretical galaxy formation simulations predict smaller jd/md than our values. We also find that a significant fraction of our galaxies appear to be unstable against bar formation. We also examine the rd–M⋆ relation for our galaxies, finding shallow power-law slopes of the relation decreasing from ≃ 0.19 at z ∼ 2 to ≃ 0.08 at z ∼ 4. These shallow slopes less than 0.2 reflect the non-positive slopes of the j⋆/m⋆-Mdh relation, and the decrease toward z ∼ 4 may be due to a decrease (getting more negative) in the slope of the j⋆/m⋆-Mdh relation over the same redshift range.

In the second part, we focus on the size and morphology of galaxies. We use a cosmological hydrodynamical simulation framework, FiBY, which is an updated version of Gadget-3 in order to investigate what problem would happen if we adopt the same size measurement procedure as one used in the local universe for very high-redshift galaxies at z ∼ 6. The simulated galaxies are lensed onto the Hubble Frontier Fields (HFF) cluster image, and the sizes are measured on the mock image. By comparing the intrinsic sizes (rsim) in the simulations and the observed sizes (robs,mock) in the mock observations, we have examined whether the surface brightness profile of the simulated galaxies is reproduced by a single S ́ersic profile.

We find that our rsim–luminosity relation is slightly higher than the incompleteness corrected size–luminosity relation by Kawamata et al. (2018). On the other hand, robs,mock is measured two or three times smaller than rsim; the robs,mock–luminosity relation is comparable to the incompleteness uncorrected size–luminosity relation. This is because the surface brightness limit of the HFF image is too shallow, and a single S ́ersic profile can not trace the extended structure of our simulated galaxies.

For local to intermediate redshift galaxies, we can measure the accurate galaxy sizes by using the size measurement method assuming a S ́ersic profile. However, our results in the second part indicate that we need special care to apply a S ́ersic profile to very high- redshift galaxies at z > 6, because the sizes of galaxies may be underestimated by the size measurement procedure.


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