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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Subaru Census of Early Galaxies in the Hierarchical Structure Formation of the Universe」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Subaru Census of Early Galaxies in the Hierarchical Structure Formation of the Universe

播金, 優一 東京大学 DOI:10.15083/0002001868



We study galaxy formation in the hierarchical structure formation of the universe using statistical samples of high redshift galaxies. We have constructed the largest sample of high redshift galaxies, composed of 579565 Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) at z ∼ 4 − 7 in 1 comoving Mpc3 survey volume, based on deep and large area optical imaging data taken by the Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) Subaru Strategic Pro-gram (SSP) Survey. We also use 992 Lyα emitters (LAEs) at z = 4.9, 5.7, 6.6, and 7.0 identified by Subaru/HSC narrowband surveys. Using these large galaxy samples, we investigate statistical properties of high redshift galaxies in a wide physical scale from the interstellar medium (ISM; ≲ 1 kpc) to protoclusters and large scale structures (≳ 1 Mpc),

 To study ISM properties, we investigate Lyα, [OIII]λ5007, Hα, and [CII]158µm emission lines of high redshift galaxies. Fluxes of strong rest-frame optical lines of [OIII] and Hα (Hβ) are constrained by significant excesses found in the Spitzer 3.6 and 4.5 µm photometry. At z = 4.9, we find that the rest-frame Hα equivalent width positively correlates with the rest-frame Lyα equivalent width EW 0 Lyα . At z = 5.7 − 7.0, there exists an interesting turn-over trend that the [OIII]/Hα flux ratio increases in EW 0 Lyα ≃ 0 − 30 ˚A, and then decreases out to EW 0 Lyα ≃ 130 ˚A. Using ALMA observations in the literature, we also identify an anti-correlation between a [CII] luminosity to star-formation rate ratio (L[CII]/SFR) and EW 0 Lyα at the > 99% confidence level.

 To investigate high redshift protoclusters, we obtain three-dimensional maps of the universe in a ∼ 200 × 200 × 80 comoving Mpc3 (cMpc3) volume each at z = 5.7 and 6.6 based on a spectroscopic sample of 174 galaxies that achieves ≳ 80% com- pleteness down to the Lyα luminosity of log(LLyα/[erg s−1]) = 43.0. The maps reveal filamentary large-scale structures and two remarkable overdensities made out of at least 42 and 12 galaxies at z = 5.692 (z57OD) and z = 6.585 (z66OD), respectively, making the z66OD overdensity the most distant overdensity spectroscopically con-firmed to date. We compare spatial distributions of submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) at z ≃ 4 − 6 with our z = 5.7 galaxies forming the large-scale structures, and de- tect a 99.97% signal of cross correlation, indicative of a clear coincidence of dusty star-forming galaxy and dust unobscured galaxy formation at this early epoch. The galaxies in z57OD and z66OD are actively forming stars with star formation rates (SFRs) ≳ 5 times higher than the main sequence of star formation. Comparisons with numerical simulations suggest that z57OD and z66OD are protoclusters that are progenitors of the present-day clusters with halo masses of ∼ 1014 M⊙.

 To study large scale clustering properties, we derive angular correlation functions (ACFs) of the LBGs with unprecedentedly high statistical accuracies at z ∼ 4 − 7, and compare them with the halo occupation distribution (HOD) models. Using the HOD models, we investigate dark-matter halo mass (Mh) of the z ∼ 4 − 7 LBGs and its correlation with various physical properties including the star-formation rate (SFR), the stellar-to-halo mass ratio (SHMR), and the dark matter accretion rate (M˙ h) over a wide-mass range of Mh/M⊙ = 4 × 1010 − 4 × 1012. Interestingly, we identify a tight relation of SFR/M˙ h − Mh showing no significant evolution beyond 0.15 dex in this wide-mass range over z ∼ 4−7. This weak evolution suggests that the SFR/M˙ h − Mh relation is a fundamental relation in high-redshift galaxy formation whose star formation activities are regulated by the dark matter mass assembly.

 Based on these results, we discuss galaxy formation in a wide scale from the ISM to the cosmic star formation history. We investigate physical origins of the correlations of Lyα, [OIII], Hα, and [CII] using stellar-synthesis and photoionization models. We find that a simple anti-correlation between EW 0 Lyα and ISM metallicity explains self-consistently all of the correlations, indicating detections of metal-poor (∼ 0.03Z⊙) galaxies with EW 0 ≃ 200˚A. From the 99.97% significant cross-correlation signal between the SMGs and the LAEs at z = 5.7, we estimate that 10 − 40 SMGs reside at z = 5.7, the same redshift as the z57OD overdensity, suggesting that the SFR density (SFRD) in z57OD is 10 times higher than the cosmic average at the redshift (a.k.a. the Madau-Lilly plot). Assuming the fundamental relation of SFR/M˙ h − Mh, we calculate the cosmic SFRDs over z = 0 − 10. The cosmic SFRD evolution based on this fundamental relation agrees with the one obtained by observations, suggesting that the cosmic SFRD increase from z ∼ 10 to 4 − 2 (decrease from z ∼ 4 − 2 to 0) is mainly driven by the increase of the halo abundance (the decrease of the accretion rate). From these discussions, we conclude that high redshift galaxies are still in metal enrichment processes with their star formation activities regulated by the dark matter assembly, and some of them already form large scale structures and protoclusters with enhanced star formation.



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