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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Temporal and Spatial Variations of Total Electron Content Enhancements During a Geomagnetic Storm on 27 and 28 September 2017」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Temporal and Spatial Variations of Total Electron Content Enhancements During a Geomagnetic Storm on 27 and 28 September 2017

Shinbori, Atsuki Otsuka, Yuichi Sori, Takuya Tsugawa, Takuya Nishioka, Michi 名古屋大学



Temporal and spatial evolutions of total electron content (TEC) and electron density in the ionosphere during a geomagnetic storm that occurred on 27 and 28 September 2017 have been investigated using global TEC data obtained from many Global Navigation Satellite System stations together with the ionosonde, geomagnetic field, Jicamarca incoherent scatter and Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) radar data. Our analysis results show that a clear enhancement of the ratio of the TEC difference (rTEC) first occurs from noon to afternoon at high latitudes within 1 hr after a sudden increase and expansion of the high‐latitude convection and prompt penetration of the electric field to the equator associated with the southward excursion of the interplanetary magnetic field. Approximately 1–2 hr after the onset of the hmF2 increase in the midlatitude and low‐latitude regions associated with the high‐latitude convection enhancement, the rTEC and foF2 values begin to increase and the enhanced rTEC region expands to low latitudes within 1–2 hr. This signature suggests that the ionospheric plasmas in the F2 region move at a higher altitude due to local electric field drift, where the recombination rate is smaller, and that the electron density increases due to additional production at the lower altitude in the sunlit region. Later, another rTEC enhancement related to the equatorial ionization anomaly appears in the equatorial region approximately 1 hr after the prompt penetration of the electric field to the equator and expands to higher latitudes within 3–4 hr.




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statkart.no), NERC (ftp://, RAMSAC (ftp://ramsac.ign.gob.ar), and ERGNSS (ftp://ftp.

geodesia.ign.es). The SuperDARN electric potential map data and analysis

software were provided by Virginia

Tech (http://vt.superdarn.org/tikiindex.php?page=ASCIIData).

SuperDARN is a collection of radars

funded by the national scientific funding agencies of Australia, Canada,

China, France, Italy, Japan, Norway,

South Africa, the United Kingdom, and

the United States of America. The ion

drift velocity data obtained from the

Jicamarca IS radar are provided by the

Madrigal Database (http://jro-db.igp.

gob.pe/madrigal/). The Jicamarca

Radio Observatory is a facility of the

Instituto Geofisico del Peru operated

with support from NSF AGS‐1433968

through Cornell University. We used

the 1‐min geomagnetic field data collected at Huancayo and Kourou. We

thank Instituto Geofisico del Perú and

Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris

for supporting its operation and

INTERMAGNET for promoting high

standards of magnetic observatory

practice (www.intermagnet.org). We

also analyzed ionogram data obtained

from four ionosonde stations (Austin,

Boulder, Juliusruh, and Rome). These

ionogram data were provided by Lowell

GIRO Data Center (LGDC) (https://

ulcar.uml.edu/DIDBase/). The

Juliusruh ionosonde has been operated

by the Leibniz Institute of Atmospheric

Physics Kuehlungsborn.



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