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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Spatial Evolution of Wave‐Particle Interaction Region Deduced From Flash‐Type Auroras and Chorus‐Ray Tracing」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Spatial Evolution of Wave‐Particle Interaction Region Deduced From Flash‐Type Auroras and Chorus‐Ray Tracing

Ozaki, Mitsunori Inoue, Tomohiro Tanaka, Yoshimasa Yagitani, Satoshi Kasahara, Yoshiya Shiokawa, Kazuo Miyoshi, Yoshizumi Imamura, Kousuke Hosokawa, Keisuke Oyama, Shin‐ichiro Kataoka, Ryuho Ebihara, Yusuke Ogawa, Yasunobu Kadokura, Akira 京都大学 DOI:10.1029/2021ja029254



In-situ observations of spatial variations of the wave-particle interaction region require a large number of satellite probes. As an alternative, flash-type auroras, a kind of pulsating aurora, driven by discrete chorus elements, can be used to investigate the interaction region with a high spatial resolution. We estimated the spatial extent of wave-particle interaction region from ground-based observations of flash aurora at Gakona (62.39°N, 214.78°E), Alaska at subauroral latitudes, and found that the auroral expansion was predominantly to the low-latitude side. The spatial displacement is thought to be caused by the propagation effects of chorus waves in the magnetosphere. Using ray tracing analysis to take into account chorus wave propagation, we reconstructed the spatiotemporal evolution of the volume emission rate and confirmed that the predominant expansion is toward the lower-latitude side in the ionosphere. This study shows that chorus wave propagation in the magnetosphere gives new insight for characterizing the transverse size (across the geomagnetic field line) of wave-particle interaction regions. The calculated spatial scale of the column auroral emission shows a correlation with the magnetic latitude of the resonance region at magnetic latitudes within 10° of the equatorial plane of the magnetosphere. Our results suggest that the spatial scale of a flash aurora is indirectly related to the chorus amplitude because the latitudinal range of the wave-particle interaction is important for the growth of wave amplitude.



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