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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Geometric approach to the extendability of linear codes over finite fields」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Geometric approach to the extendability of linear codes over finite fields

苅田 仁 大阪府立大学 DOI:info:doi/10.24729/00017395



A q-ary linear code of length n with dimension k (an [n, k]q code) is a k-dimensional subspace of the n-dimensional row vector space over Fq, the field of q elements. An [n, k]q code with minimum distance d is called an [n, k, d]q code. For the parameters k,d,q, the problem to determine nq(k, d) the smallest possible length n for which an [n, k, d]q code exists is called the optimal linear codes problem (Hill, 1992).

For an [n, k, d]q code C with generator matrix G, C is l-extendable if there exist l vectors h1, · · · , hl ∈ Fk such that the extended matrix [G, hT, · · · , hT] generates an [n + l, k, d + l]q code C′. Especially when l = 1, C is called extendable and C′ is an extension of C. In general, it is not easy to see whether a given non-binary code is extendable or not. Theorems giving answers to this problem are called extension theorems. We give new extension theorems using the geometric method through projective geometry PG(k − 1, q). We give the following results.

In Chapter 1, we give backgrounds and aims as the introduction of this thesis.

In Chapter 2, we first introduce basic concepts of linear codes and well known theorems. Next, we give some results about extendability of linear codes, that is the main theme of our research. The conditions for the extendability introduced in this chapter use q-WS; the q-tuples computed by weight distribution. Finally, we explain the concepts of projective geometry over the field of order q and the way to associate with q-WS and generator matrix of a linear code.

In Chapter 3, we prove that [n, k, d] ternary linear codes with d ≡ −2 (mod 9), whose weights are congruent to 0, −1, −2 modulo 9 are extendable. As its application, we prove the non-existence of a [512, 6, 340]3 code.

In Chapters 4 and 5, we give new results on quaternary linear codes. Refering the results on odd sets in the projective space over the field of order 4, we give some conditions depending on the values of 4-WS for the extendability of quaternary linear codes and some examples applying the results. In Chapter 5, we prove the non-existence of some quaternary linear codes to determine n4(5, d) for some d, which some extension theorems for quaternary linear codes are applied to.

In Chapter 6, we give new results on generalized extension theorems for linear codes over the field of order q.

In Chapter 7, we give the updated tables of the values of nq(k, d) with Griesmer bound for q = 3, 4.


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