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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Characteristics of IPDP-type EMIC waves and their relation to relativistic electron precipitation based on ground-based and satellite observations」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Characteristics of IPDP-type EMIC waves and their relation to relativistic electron precipitation based on ground-based and satellite observations

Hirai Asuka 東北大学



Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves are left-hand polarized waves in Pc1-2 frequency range. They are excited near the magnetic equator by anisotropic ring current ions. EMIC waves are one of the interesting plasma waves in the magnetosphere in that they interact with both ring current protons and relativistic electrons. Clarifying of the behavior of EMIC waves contributes to a comprehensive understanding of the variability of the inner magnetosphere, especially the ring current and the outer radiation belt. Electron scattering by EMIC waves has been considered as one of the mechanisms to cause the loss of the outer radiation belt. Evaluation of the contribution of EMIC waves to the electron loss is the important issue in understanding and prediction of the outer radiation belt variations.

There are two unresolved issues about excitation of EMIC waves and electron scattering by EMIC waves. One is the mechanism of frequency increase of intervals of pulsations of diminishing periods (IPDP). IPDP is a type of EMIC waves characterized by an increase in frequency during the event and occur in the evening sector of the magnetosphere. Some studies suggested that IPDP-type EMIC waves are more likely to be associated with relativistic electron precipitation (REP) than other EMIC waves. However, there is no definitive answer about the mechanism of frequency increase and the reason why IPDPs are associated with REP. Another is conditions favorable for pitch angle scattering of relativistic electrons by EMIC waves. Many previous studies have revealed that EMIC waves can occur in various L-values and magnetic local time (MLT) in the magnetosphere. However, few studies have statistically investigated the characteristics of EMIC waves causing REP.

Purposes of this thesis are (1) to reveal the mechanism of frequency increase of IPDP-type EMIC waves and (2) to understand favorable conditions for pitch angle scattering of relativistic electrons by EMIC waves. By achieving the purpose of (1) and (2), we aim to comprehensively understand how generation of EMIC waves and the associated REP are related to the dynamics of the inner magnetosphere.

We analyzed IPDP-type EMIC waves that occurred on 19 April 2017 from the ground and the satellite observations. Observations by POES and the ground-based magnetometers indicated that increase in frequency of IPDP was caused by the inward shift of the EMIC wave source region. The source region of EMIC waves moved inward along the midlatitude trough that was used as a proxy of the plasmapause location. This suggests the inward shift of the source region due to the enhancement of the convection electric field. From statistical analysis, we found that upper frequencies of IPDP show a positive correlation with maximum polar cap potential. These results presented that increases in frequency of IPDP on the evening side are explained by the inward shift of the overlap region between the cold plasma and the ring current, which is the favorable region of EMIC wave excitation. It was also found that the built-up plasmasphere and the enhancement of convection electric field or that of the substorm-induced electric field are important for the occurrence of IPDP.

We performed a statistical study of EMIC waves and REP caused by EMIC waves for two years from 1 November 2016 to 31 October 2018. EMIC waves were observed by the ground-based magnetometer installed at Athabasca, Canada. REP events were identified from the VLF radio waves propagating from transmitters at NDK and NLK to the receiver installed at Athabasca. The MLT dependence of all EMIC waves shows higher occurrence rates in the dawn sector. On the other hand, EMIC waves accompanied by REP are localized in the dusk sector and occur during substorms. We found that EMIC waves accompanied by REP are associated with the main phase of geomagnetic storms and that more than half of them seems to occur inside the plasmapause. These results suggest that EMIC waves that occur in the overlap region between the ring current and the dense cold plasma during the storm main phase or substorms are likely to cause REP. It is consistent with previous studies that describe that electron resonant energy with EMIC waves lowers in high plasma density regions.

It is proposed that the frequency increase of IPDP-type EMIC waves is caused by enhancement of induced/convection electric field associated with substorm and subsequent inward shift of the ring current region toward the Earth. The development of the partial ring current is a necessary precondition for the occurrence of IPDP. This situation primary occurs during the main phase of geomagnetic storms. In the main phase, the overlap region of the ring current and the plasmasphere or plasmaspheric plume is formed and is favorable for both excitation of EMIC waves and pitch angle scattering of relativistic electrons by EMIC waves in the dusk sector. In addition to these favorable conditions for EMIC wave-driven REP, we propose that the source region of IPDP moves in the radial direction, causing more favorable conditions. The inward drift of the source region allows EMIC waves to be distributed over a wide range of L shells in the entire event. This can make it easier for EMIC waves to encounter high electron flux regions in the outer radiation belt. As a result, EMIC waves can scatter relativistic electrons over a wide range of L shells, leading to electron precipitation into the atmosphere. This mechanism suggests that IPDP-type EMIC waves are more likely to scatter relativistic electrons than EMIC waves generated in other conditions and thus contribute to the loss of the outer radiation belt electrons. We also showed that the decrease in phase space density of relativistic electrons in the outer radiation belt is consistent with the source region extent and the resonant energy of EMIC waves, implying the possible contribution of EMIC waves to the loss of the outer radiation belt in the main phase of geomagnetic storms.

In this thesis, we made use of multiple instruments both on the ground and from the satellite. Combination of both provided the spatial distribution and temporal variation of EMIC waves. Continuous and fixed-point observations on the ground enabled us to investigate the correspondence between EMIC waves and REP.


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