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Studies on Incentives for Sustainable Community Fisheries Management in Southeast Asia

Lieng, Sopha 東京大学 DOI:10.15083/0002004139



Fisheries in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) provide significant amount of fish and fishery products to the World. However, the fisheries resources are in the declining state and fish habitat has been affected from destructive activities. The solution to these fishery problems is still an issue. Fishery ecolabel to maintain sustainability of fisheries is only implemented in a few ASEAN fisheries. Many ASEAN countries have decentralized fisheries management authority to local community fishers. However, lack of fund hampers the implementation of fishery co-management plans between the government and local fishers’ organizations. In addition, management of fisheries in Southeast Asia is still weak in Monitoring, Control, and Surveillance (MCS). The scientific data and information are insufficient or fragmented. An overall research question here is whether or not influences from outside of ASEAN could be a tool to promote sustainable fisheries in the local community.

This study has the purposes to analyse fishery legislations of Southeast Asian countries related to the European based international standards on fishery ecolabeling certification scheme (namely, GSSI Essential Components for Fisheries Certification Standards) in support for the future establishment of fishery ecolabel in ASEAN countries. It aims to study the characteristics and perceptions of community fisheries for a finance program provided to local savings group by an NGO in the United States of America and assess its potential to promote participation of community fishers in sustainable fisheries management. In addition, the study is to do experimentally design and implement data collection scheme for monitoring status and trend of fisheries.

In this context, the fisheries legislations of ASEAN countries relating to fisheries management were examined and the provisions that are relevant to the required criteria of the GSSI benchmark tool are reviewed. The data and information about two selected community fisheries and savings group in Kampong Chhnang Province, Cambodia was gathered and analyzed. A new approach of scientific data collection and analysis was designed to sample and analyse the bagnet fisheries in Tonle Sap River. Data of water levels was also analysed.

As results, fisheries legislations such as various laws, government ordinances, subdecrees, and local rules and regulations of ASEAN countries available in the FAO database, were examined in relation to fisheries management requirement of the GSSI global benchmark tool, and it was found that many of the legislations have provisions to support community fisheries in their countries. The characteristics of the community fisheries and the perception of savings groups in two community fisheries, namely Peam Popech and Phlong, in the Kampong Chhnang Province, Cambodia were analysed and described. Fish catch per lift (e.g., per unit fishing gear), per month and by species of 73 dai (e.g., local fishing gear) units, and the number of lifts per 24 hrs. in 1994 and 1995 were estimated. The overall catch was estimated to be 18,410 tons.

The review of ASEAN fisheries legislation reveals that the legal frameworks in ASEAN member states generally provide a fair basis for their fisheries to meet the requirement of the GSSI fisheries certification standards. The legislation allows an establishment of local fishery organization by local community fishers with the support of relevant institutions. The legislation provides direction to ensure optimal use of the available scientific information in fishery management. The perception of the community households about the savings group was generally good. At the same time, some changes in the perception toward the saving group were identified and they were influenced by the characteristics of community fisheries and other factors such as education, income, and livelihood activities. The result of fish catches estimates and change of species composition were discussed in comparison with the past findings. The link between high fish catches and water level was also discussed.

It can be concluded that the fishery legislation of ASEAN countries has fulfilled most of the GSSI requirement. Fishery ecolabel may be an opportunity for providing incentives for sustainable community fisheries management. Understanding the characteristics of community fisheries and savings group is important attributes for considering to provide incentives for community fisheries management. The savings group is to mobilize fund within and outside the community fisheries to generate fund for fishery management and family economic investment. The new scientific data collection and analysis design gives a confident and reliable information of fishery resource status. This method shall be adopted as a model of a regular scheme for monitoring the status and trend of a fishery. Previous studies showed that participation of local stakeholders to decision-making process had positive effects for the conservation of local resources. This study reinforces this knowledge. In addition, this study found that influences from outside of ASEAN could be a tool to promote sustainable fisheries in the local community when local community people share the views and objectives of the tool. To do so, providing scientific information is essential. ASEAN secretariat provides critical support in capacity building and technical assistance to ASEAN fisheries management.




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