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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「DIPA-CRISPR is a simple and accessible method for insect gene editing」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




DIPA-CRISPR is a simple and accessible method for insect gene editing

Shirai, Yu Piulachs, Maria-Dolors Belles, Xavier Daimon, Takaaki 京都大学 DOI:10.1016/j.crmeth.2022.100215



Current approaches for insect gene editing require microinjection of materials into early embryos. This severely limits the application of gene editing to a great number of insect species, especially to those whose reproduction systems preclude access to early embryos for injection. To overcome these limitations, we report a simple and accessible method for insect gene editing, termed “direct parental” CRISPR (DIPA-CRISPR). We show that injection of Cas9 ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) into the haemocoel of adult females efficiently introduces heritable mutations in developing oocytes. Importantly, commercially available standard Cas9 protein can be directly used for DIPA-CRISPR, which makes this approach highly practical and feasible. DIPA-CRISPR enables highly efficient gene editing in the cockroaches, on which conventional approaches cannot be applied, and in the model beetle Tribolium castaneum. Due to its simplicity and accessibility, DIPA-CRISPR will greatly extend the application of gene editing technology to a wide variety of insects.



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Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins

T7 RiboMAX Express Large Scale

RNA Production System

Phenol:chloroform:isoamyl alcohol mixture



Alt-R S.p. Cas9 Nuclease V3

Integrated DNA Technologies


Cas9 Protein



Cas9 Nuclease protein NLS



GenomeCraft Cas9



Chloroquine Diphosphate



Saponin Quilaja sp.






Experimental models: Organisms/strains

B. germanica wildtype Japanese strain

Sumika Technoservice


T. castaneum wildtype Okinawa strain

Shirai and Daimon, 2020


D. melanogaster wildtype Canton S strain

Gift from Christen Mirth



PCR primers used in this study, see Method Details

This paper


ssODN (50 - to -30 ) used as a HDR template:








Integrated DNA


N/A (Ultramer DNA


Hwang et al., 2013

Addgene Plasmid #42250

Recombinant DNA


Software and algorithms

GraphPad Prism (v.6.0h)



Leica Application Suite X (LASX)

Leica Microsystems


Adobe Photoshop



Femtojet 4i Microinjector



MultiNA Microchip Electrophoresis System



Needle puller




Borosilicate glass with filament

Sutter Instrument



Leica Microsystems


Digital microscope camera

Leica Microsystems



Lead contact

Further information and requests for resources and reagents should be directed to and will be fulfilled by the lead contact, Takaaki

Daimon (daimon.takaaki.7a@kyoto-u.ac.jp).

Materials availability

The knockout lines generated in this study is available on reasonable request to the lead contact.

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Data and code availability

d All data reported in this paper will be shared by the lead contact upon request.

d This study does not report original code.

d Any additional information required to reanalyze the data reported in this paper is available from the lead contact upon request.



A Blattella germanica colony derived from a Japanese population was maintained at 25 ± 1.5 C under a 16 h:8 h light:dark cycle with a

constant supply of solid feed (MF, Oriental Yeast) and water. A Tribolium castaneum (Okinawa strain) colony was maintained on

wheat flour containing 5% (w/w) brewer’s dry yeast at 30 ± 1 C and 50%–70% relative humidity as described previously (Shirai

and Daimon, 2020). The wildtype Drosophila melanogaster strain (Canton S) was reared using a commercial Drosophila diet (Formula

4-24 Instant Drosophila Food, Carolina Biological, Cat#173210).


Preparation of Cas9-sgRNA RNPs

Single-guide RNAs (sgRNAs) targeting B. germanica cinnabar (GenBank: PSN36199), T. castaneum cardinal (GenPept: XP_008200769),

and D. melanogaster white (GenBank: NM_057439) were synthesized as described previously (Shirai and Daimon, 2020). Briefly, annealed oligo DNA was cloned into the BsaI site of the pDR274 vector (Hwang et al., 2013). After linearization with DraI, the vector

was used as a template for in vitro transcription using the T7 RiboMAX Express Large Scale RNA Production System (Promega,

Cat#P1320). The synthesized sgRNAs were extracted with phenol (pH4–5):chloroform:isoamyl alcohol (125:24:1) (Sigma,

Cat#77619), and then precipitated with isopropanol and dissolved in RNase-free water. For D. melanogaster white, we also purchased

and used chemically synthesized sgRNAs from the Integrated DNA Technologies (IDT) (Alt-R CRISPR-Cas9 sgRNA). Otherwise

stated, commercial Cas9 protein purchased from IDT (Alt-R S.p. Cas9 Nuclease V3, Cat#1081059), which has nuclear localization signals and a C-terminal 6-His tag (further details were not disclosed to the authors), was used in this study. Cas9 protein and sgRNAs were

mixed at a molar ratio of approximately 1:2, and incubated for 10–15 min at room temperature to allow Cas9 RNP formation. In some

experiments, freshly-prepared chloroquine (FUJIFILM Wako, Cat#038-17971) or saponin (Sigma, Cat#S4521) was added as an endosomal escape reagent (EER) (Chaverra-Rodriguez et al., 2018). Concentrations of Cas9 RNPs and EERs in the injection solution were

adjusted with RNase-free water, without adding any other reagents (e.g., buffers or salts). The target sequences of sgRNAs are (5’to -30 ): GGTCTGGCTGTAGTCAAACA for B. germanica cinnabar sgRNA1; TTGGAGGCATGCAAAGCTCC for B. germanica cinnabar

sgRNA2; GGAACAGATGAACCAAGTGA for T. castaneum cardinal sgRNA1 (Shirai and Daimon, 2020); CATTAACCAGGGCT

TCGGGC for D. melanogaster white sgRNA1 (Ren et al., 2014); and AGCGACACATACCGGCGCCC for D. melanogaster white sgRNA2

(Ren et al., 2014).

Adult injection and mutant screening in Blattella germanica

Female adults carrying the ootheca were collected from a stock colony, monitored daily for ootheca drop, and were staged based on

the day after the ootheca drop. The injection was performed using a glass capillary needle equipped with Femtojet 4i (Eppendorf). The

females used for injection were anesthetized on ice. Approximately 4 mL of the Cas9 RNP solution containing 3.3 mg/mL Cas9 (IDT,

Cat#1081059) and 1.3 mg/mL sgRNAs (a mixture of sgRNA1 and sgRNA2, Figure S1A) with or without chloroquine (2 mM) was injected

into the ventral abdomen of the female adults. Injected females were individually reared in containers until the formation of the next

ootheca and hatching of G0 nymphs (nymphs hatched 20–30 days after injection with 20–50 nymphs hatched from each ootheca).

The eye colors of hatched G0 nymphs were examined, and all the nymphs without external phenotypes were subjected to individual

genotyping. B. germanica cinnabar is an autosomal gene, as we found heterozygous males [male = XO and female = XX in

B. germanica (Meisel et al., 2019)].

Genotyping of Blattella germanica

Genomic DNAs were extracted individually as described previously (Daimon et al., 2015). Genomic PCR was conducted using KOD FX

Neo (TOYOBO, Cat#KFX-201). Mutations were screened by analyzing the PCR products using the heteroduplex mobility assay (HMA)

using the MultiNA Microchip Electrophoresis System (MCE-202, Shimadzu). Primer sequences for HMA of B. germanica cinnabar are

(5’- to -30 ): GAAGGCGGATTTGATCATAGGAGC and CAATCACTTACCTCACCATCTTCTG. To determine the nucleotide sequences of

mutant alleles, Sanger sequencing chromatograms were analyzed with Poly Peak Parser program (Hill et al., 2014). Primer sequences for

Sanger sequencing of B. germanica cinnabar are (5’- to -30 ): GGCGCACTTGAGGCAGATATG and TTCCCCTACACTTCAATGCGGG.

Adult injection and mutant screening in Tribolium castaneum

Female adults at selected days after adult emergence, separated from males at the time of injection, were injected with approximately 0.5 mL of the Cas9 RNP solution containing 3.3 mg/mL Cas9 (IDT, Cat#1081059) and 1.3 mg/mL sgRNA, with or without saponin

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(100 ng/mL), as described previously (Shirai and Daimon, 2020). The injected females were grouped with males in a container with

wheat flour and transferred to a new container every 24 hours to examine the relationship between the day of egg laying and the

gene editing efficiencies in the hatchlings. To screen gene-edited individuals, the eye colors of the G0 insects were examined during

pupal and adult stages. We also examined and compared the performance of Cas9 products from three companies additional to IDT:

Sigma (Cat #CAS9PROT), FUJIFILM Wako (Cat#316-08651), and Fasmac (Cat#GE-005-S), which have a single or multiple nuclear

localization signals, by targeting cardinal under the same condition (i.e., the same stage of injection and concentration of reagents).

As cardinal gene locates on the X chromosome (female = XX, male = XY) (Shirai and Daimon, 2020), mutant phenotypes are not visible

in heterozygous females. As we screened G0 insects based on phenotypes but not on genotypes, the GEF values for T. castaneum

cardinal in this study were most likely underestimated. Primer sequences for Sanger sequencing of T. castaneum cardinal are (5’- to


Gene knock-in experiments in Tribolium castaneum

Female adults at optimized stages (i.e., 4–5 days after adult emergence) were injected as above. Injection solution contained 3.3 mg/mL

Cas9 (IDT, Cat#1081059), 1.3 mg/mL sgRNA (sgRNA1 for cardinal), and ssODNs (1.6 mg/mL). ssODNs were purchased from IDT (Ultramer

DNA Oligonucleotides). Injected females were allowed to lay eggs for two days, and the recovered G0 adults with both eyes whites were

subjected to genotyping. For genotyping, genomic DNAs of G0 adults were individually extracted, and used as a template for PCR. PCR

products were digested with HindIII and analyzed by microchip electrophoresis using the MultiNA Microchip Electrophoresis System

(MCE-202, Shimadzu). Primer sequences for T. castaneum cardinal are (5’- to -30 ): GTCACACATCCGGAGTGCTTTCC and

GAGTTCACCCCCTGACATCGTC. To determine the nucleotide sequences of knock-in alleles, PCR products were subcloned and

subjected to Sanger sequencing.

Adult injection and mutant screening in Drosophila melanogaster

Female adults at selected times after adult emergence, separated from males at the time of injection, were injected with approximately 0.5 mL of the Cas9 RNP solution containing 3.3 mg/mL Cas9 (IDT, Cat#1081059) and 1.3 mg/mL sgRNA (a mixture of sgRNA1

and sgRNA2 for white), with or without chloroquine (0.5 or 2.0 mM). The injected females were grouped with males in a vial and transferred to a new vial every 24 hours. To screen gene-edited individuals, the eye colors of the G0 insects were examined during adult



Data on gene editing efficiency (GEF) of the G0 progenies (Figure S1C) were analyzed with the Mann-Whitney nonparametric U test.

Statistical analyses were performed in the Prism software (Graphpad Software).

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