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Development of substrates for the culture of human pluripotent stem cells

Kawase, Eihachiro Nakatsuji, Norio 京都大学 DOI:10.1039/d2bm01473d



Although human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC) lines were initially established in culture using feeder cells, the development of culture media and substrates is essential for safe, stable, high-quality, and efficient production of large numbers of cells. Many researchers are now culturing hPSCs in chemically defined media and on culture substrates without feeder cells. In this review, we first discuss the problems with Matrigel, which has long been used as a culture substrate. Then, we summarize the development of extracellular matrix proteins for hPSCs, which are now the mainstream alternative, and synthetic substrates that are expected to be the future mainstream alternative. We also highlight three-dimensional culture for suitable mass production of hPSCs.



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