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平川 尚毅 横浜国立大学 DOI:info:doi/10.18880/00013935



Evolution of our Solar System proceeded along (1) interstellar gas and submicron scale dusts in a molecular cloud, (2) gravitational contraction of molecular cloud core towards the formation of protostar and proto-solar nebulae, (3) accretion of the gas and dusts to proto-planetary disk, (4) accumulation to planetesimals (10 km size), (5) collision of planetesimals to form meteorite parent bodies (100 km size) and growth to planets (Hayashi et al. 1985; Figure1-1). Materials such as minerals, ice and organic matter were formed and evolved in each different stage. One of the most significant stages for interactions among materials was meteorite parent bodies, which meteorites came from.

Meteorites can be classified into various type and groups. Chondrite is a major meteorite group, they could avoid strong igneous processes in the parent bodies, thus various accreted components originated from molecular cloud and proto-solar nebulae can be observed. Chondrites can be also classified into carbonaceous chondrite, ordinary chondrite, enstatite chondrite and additional other chondrites (Rumuruti-like chondrites and Kakangari-like chondrites) primary based on chemical compositions, oxygen isotopic compositions, bulk stable-isotope anomaly, oxidation state and bulk carbon and nitrogen abundances (Table 1-1; Krot et al. 2014). Carbonaceous, ordinary and enstatite chondrites are additionally classified based on petrologic types (van Schmus and Wood 1967), which reflect the degree of thermal metamorphism and aqueous alteration in the parent bodies (Table 1-1). The least altered or metamorphosed chondrites are classified as type 3. Type 3 chondrites include some carbonaceous chondrites such as CV and CO chondrites, and unequilibrated ordinary chondrites. Type 1 and 2 are aqueously altered chondrites (type 1 was more altered than type 2 chondrites), such as CI, CM and CR chondrites, and thermally metamorphosed chondrites are type 4-6 (lager number means the larger metamorphic degrees). In terms of organic matter, however, there are some evidence of heating even in type 3 chondrites (Quirico et al. 2003, 2009; Bonal et al. 2006, 2007, 2016; Alexander et al. 2007; Busemann et al. 2007; Cody et al. 2008; Kebukawa et al. 2011; Homma et al. 2015), since organic matter is more sensitive to thermal conditions compared with minerals. With increase of metamorphic grade, the amount of organic matter decreased, and the chemical structure gradually changed. Thus, relatively weak thermal processes could have occurred in type 3 chondrites, which could induce the metamorphism of organic matter. Carbonaceous chondrites, especially CI, CM, CR, CV and CO chondrites, and ordinary chondrites with type 3 were focused on in present study to discuss the interactions between organic matter and minerals.




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