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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Structure and Dynamic Processes in Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary Zones Decoded by Geothermobarometry of Spinel Peridotite Xenoliths」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Structure and Dynamic Processes in Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary Zones Decoded by Geothermobarometry of Spinel Peridotite Xenoliths

佐藤, 侑人 東京大学 DOI:10.15083/0002004724



The Lithosphere-Asthenosphere boundary, LAB, can be defined based on thermal, chemical, rheological, and petrological contrasts, and knowing its depth is crucial to understanding mantle dynamics. I attack this problem by examining spinel peridotite xenoliths from Ichinomegata maar in the back-arc side of Northeast Japan Arc and Tafraoute maar in the marginal area of African continent. Accurate estimation of depths of spinel peridotite xenoliths from Ichinomegata maar, for which reliable geobarometers are not available, is presented first. Then, the reconstruction of deformation history and thermal history in the LAB zone beneath Ichinomegata is conducted to reveal the dynamic processes operated there by decoding deformation microstructures related to spinel lamellae in pyroxenes and chemical diffusion profiles in pyroxene. And finally, the structure and dynamic processes in the LAB zone beneath the marginal area of African continent is revealed by the depth estimation of the xenoliths from Tafraoute maar, in the Middle Atlas Mountains.

 Extensive mineral compositions of nine xenolith samples from Ichinomegata maar revealed various patterns of chemical zoning in pyroxenes, suggesting diverse thermal histories. I examined the timescales of development of each zoning pattern and identified minerals, grain portions, and components closely approached equilibrium just before xenolith extraction as orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene, the outermost rims, and Ca-Mg-Fe components, respectively. Applying the best pair of geothermobarometers to the chosen analyses, plausible derivation depths of eight samples were obtained. They range 0.66-2.1 GPa in pressure and 830-1090 °C in temperature, which define a high thermal gradient of ~7 K/km or ~230 K/GPa. There is an intimate correlation between the zoning patterns of pyroxenes and the depth estimates: pyroxenes in the deeper samples have zoning indicating cooling followed by heating just before xenolith extraction, and those of the shallower samples have zoning indicating monotonic cooling.

 Depth variations of rock microstructures, grain size of olivine, chemical compositions of minerals, and phase assemblage, including the presence or absence of glass or fluid phase, show that the mantle beneath Ichinomegata consists of two distinct layers. The shallower (26-27 km) layer is granular, less oxidized, amphibole- and plagioclase-bearing, and subsolidus, whereas the deeper (46-68 km) layer is porphyroclastic, amphibole- and plagioclase-free, oxidized, and partially molten. The contrasts between the two layers suggest that the upper layer represents a lithospheric mantle and the lower layer a LAB zone. These layers are similar to those reported from the bottom of subcontinental lithospheric mantle in various aspects, but the LAB beneath Ichinomegata is much shallower (45-70 km) and cooler (~1100 °C). The coincidence of (a) the depth of a rheological transition, marked granular to porphyroclastic textures, and (b) the depth of a phase transition, from subsolidus hydrous peridotite to a hydrous mantle with melt in localized pockets, is the remarkable feature of the LAB beneath Ichinomegata. This suggests that a rheological boundary zone in arc settings is governed by melting of the hydrous mantle and that the underlying asthenosphere is partially molten. The depth- dependent thermal history shown by chemical zoning in pyroxenes and the presence of melt as pockets suggest that the LAB beneath Ichinomegata was in a transient state that was affected by thermal and material transport.

 Deformation history of the nine spinel peridotite xenoliths from Ichinomegata was decoded from deformation microstructure related to spinel lamellae and spinel blebs and thermal history recorded in the chemical zoning profiles of pyroxenes. The spinel blebs are spinel grains with rounded morphology occurring in minerals mostly in contact with clinopyroxene or orthopyroxene with abundant spinel lamellae. Their distributions are continuous even at the interface, but their morphology abruptly changes at the interface. Extensive examination of crystallographic orientations of lamellae minerals, spinel blebs, and their host minerals revealed consistent topotaxic orientation relation in them. The spinel lamellae exhibit two types of topotaxy with their host pyroxenes. One of the {111}SPL is parallel to the (100)CPX&OPX, one of the <011>SPL is parallel to the [010]CPX&OPX, and one of the <112>SPL is parallel to the [001]CPX&OPX. The other is {111}SPL is parallel to (1 01)CPX, <011>SPL is parallel to [010]CPX, and <112>SPL is parallel to [101]CPX. The spinel blebs and the lamellae-hosting pyroxenes are not in topotaxy in a strict sense, but I can find a relationship closer to topotaxy. The spinel blebs irrespective of the host mineral and the spinel lamellae show approximately the same orientation. The continuous morphological change and the common crystallographic orientations of spinel blebs and spinel lamellae indicate that the spinel blebs were originally present as spinel lamellae and that grain boundary retreated from the original position accompanying advance of the contacting minerals.

 The intra-grain misorientation angles (KAM = kernel average misorientation and GAM = grain average misorientation), including subgrain boundaries, are very high in the clinopyroxene grain containing spinel lamellae but are low in those containing the spinel blebs, particularly in grains in contact with the lamellae-hosting grain. Such microstructure, the strain-free minerals partly surrounding the old and strained minerals, is typical “necklace structure” for materials experienced discontinuous dynamic recrystallization at high temperatures. The systematic depth variation of sample-mean KAM and GAM indicates a large-scale (1-10 kilometers) deformation structure of the mantle beneath Ichinomegata. They increase with depth and may attain local maxima near the bottom of lithospheric mantle at ~45 km depth, and then decrease in the LAB zone in ~45-70 km. The intra- grain strain of minerals in the LAB zone was partially relaxed by dynamic recrystallization. I conclude that the dynamic recrystallization implemented by the grain boundary migration was the deformation mechanism in the LAB zone. Contrary to this, deformation in the lithospheric mantle (~25-45 km) continued to form highly strained mantle and no significant grain boundary migration has occurred.

 The timing of the dynamic recrystallization marked by the presence of spinel blebs can be estimated by combining thermal and deformation history. Two stages of the thermal and deformation history are recognized. One is old and took place during cooling and the other is young and took place during heating following the cooling and drove dynamic recrystallization. Duration of both deformation stages at cooling and heating is quantitatively constrained by diffusion modeling to reproduce the chemical profiles of pyroxenes. From the above consideration, the whole mantle beneath Ichinomegata had once experienced ~14 million years of cooling to establish lithospheric mantle of ~25-70 km depths. Subsequently, the bottom part of the lithospheric mantle (~45-70 km) was heated up for ~16 thousand years to cause deformation by dynamic recrystallization and changed into LAB zone, which is regarded as lithosphere thinning. I conclude that the LAB zone beneath Ichinomegata was dynamically established by the drastic change of mantle rheology just before xenolith transportation.

 Estimation of pressures and temperatures of eight spinel peridotite xenoliths from Tafraoute maar in the Middle Atlas Volcanic Field was conducted in order to constrain structures and formation condition of shallow LAB zone in the continental margin where water contents of mantle are considered to be very low (< 0.01 wt.% H2O). It is, if solidus condition is required, either (1) high temperature (~1300 °C) enough to start partial melting of dry mantle or (2) hydration of mantle lowering the solidus condition or, if partial melting is no more needed, (3) rheological weakening of mantle without partial melting.

 Examination of chemical compositions revealed the wide variations of chemical zonings in olivine, orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene. A wide range of thermal histories responsible to the chemical profiles were carefully decoded to identify minerals, grain portions, and components closely approached equilibrium just before xenolith extraction. One zoning type is found from zoning profile of Ca in olivine, three types from Ca profiles of orthopyroxene, and two types from Ca profiles of clinopyroxene. Correlation of these zoning profiles indicates three types of the xenolith thermal history; (1) simple cooling, (2) cooling followed by weak and short heating, and (3) cooling followed by weak and relatively long heating. In all of the xenoliths, the mineral parts and the components are olivine core, orthopyroxene rim, and clinopyroxene rim and Ca-Mg-Fe components of them. Applying four geothermobarometer pairs, pressures and temperature conditions of the xenolith were estimated. In them, the pressure estimations using a two-pyroxene geothermobarometer provided a split pressure distribution into two clusters depending on zoning types of clinopyroxene and extremely high pressures (1.8-4.9 GPa) probably due to the chemical compositions of clinopyroxene, most of which are far beyond the stability field of spinel peridotites. From these consideration, plausible pressures and temperatures were obtained using a Ca-in-Olivine geothermometer and an Orthopyroxene geothermobarometer. They range 1.0-2.1 GPa, 37-68 km, and 761-931 °C.

 On the basis of the estimated pressures of the xenoliths, thermal, chemical, petrological, rheological, and seismic structures of mantle beneath Tafraoute maar were reconstructed. The shallower part (37- 57 km) is characterized by low temperature, simple cooling, relatively high fertility and low refractoriness, porphyrclastic texture with finer grain size of olivine, low fabric intensities of mineral LPOs, high intra-grain misorientation angle, and low seismic velocity and anisotropy. And the deeper part (58-68 km) is by high temperature, cooling followed by heating, relatively low fertility and high refractoriness, appearance of interstitial melt, granular texture with coarse grain size of olivine, high fabric intensity of mineral LPOs, low intra-grain misorientation angle suggesting dynamic recrystallization, and low seismic velocity and anisotropy. In these structures, the deeper part (58-68 km) is recognized to be top of the LAB zone beneath Tafraoute maar by the deformation microstructure suggesting dynamic recrystallization and the high seismic anisotropy characterizing typical seismic LAB. Concurrences of (1) high temperatures exceeding water-saturated solidus of Grove et al. (2006), (2) the thermal history that is cooling followed by weak heating, (3) appearance of melt suggesting partial melting, (4) the drastic decrease of fertility, the increase of refractoriness, and the increase of olivine modal % causing the high seismic velocities, (5) the deformation microstructure suggesting dynamic recrystallization, and (6) the development of mineral LPO patterns which is main source of seismic anisotropy may indicate that the LAB zone beneath Tafraoute maar was dynamically formed by infiltration of melt which was induced by upwelling of hot asthenosphere.



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