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リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「A Reinvestigation of Excitation Source of the CS_2+(A^2Π_u– X^2Π_g) Emission in the Ar Afterglow: Both Ar^+ and Ar_2^+ Ions Can Be Excitation Sources Giving Significantly Different Spectral Features」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




A Reinvestigation of Excitation Source of the CS_2+(A^2Π_u– X^2Π_g) Emission in the Ar Afterglow: Both Ar^+ and Ar_2^+ Ions Can Be Excitation Sources Giving Significantly Different Spectral Features

TSUJI, Masaharu 辻, 正治 ツジ, マサハル ENDOH, Minoru 遠藤, 実 エンドウ, ミノル FUNATSU, Tsuyoshi 船津, 剛 フナツ, ツヨシ NAKAMURA, Masafumi 中村, 昌文 ナカムラ, マサフミ UTO, Keiko 宇都, 慶子 ウト, ケイコ HAYASHI, Jun-Ichiro 林, 潤一郎 ハヤシ, ジュンイチロウ TSUJI, Takeshi 辻, 剛志 ツジ, タケシ 九州大学 DOI:https://doi.org/10.15017/4795519



In 1984, we have reported that CS2+(A˜2πu– X˜2πg) visible emission in an Ar flowing afterglow arises from the Ar2+ + CS2 charge-transfer (CT) reaction at thermal energy.1) In 1986, Upshulte et al.2) claimed that Ar+ not Ar2+ is the responsible excitation source of the CS2+(A˜– X˜) emission in their flow-tube study. Although more than 36 years have passed since these two-original flowing-afterglow studies, no definite conclusion has been obtained on the exact excitation source of the CS2+(A˜– X˜) emission in the Ar afterglow. To confirm whether Ar2+ and/or Ar+ really contributes to the CS2+( A˜– X˜) emission, additional experiments were carried out in this flowing-afterglow study. Results show that the conclusion of Upshulte et al.2) is wrong and that both Ar+ and Ar2+ can be excitation sources of CS2+(A˜– X˜) emissions, though spectral features are quite different between the two reactions. The Ar2+ + CS2 reaction gives discrete CS2+(A˜– X˜) emission bands from low vibrational levels, whereas the Ar+ + CS2 reaction dominantly provides continuous CS2+(A˜– X˜) emission from high rovibrational levels. The higher vibrational excitation of the CS2+(A˜) state than that expected from vertical Franck-Condon (FC) like ionization was confirmed by the re-examination of reported ion cyclotron resonance (ICR) data.



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