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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「時間分解分光を用いたランタニド錯体のエネルギー移動機構の研究」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。





宮崎, 栞 MIYAZAKI, Shiori ミヤザキ, シオリ 九州大学



Kyushu University Institutional Repository

Energy Transfer Mechanism in Lanthanide
Complexes Studied by Time-Resolved Spectroscopy
宮崎, 栞

出版情報:Kyushu University, 2023, 博士(理学), 課程博士



論 文 名 :Energy Transfer Mechanism in Lanthanide Complexes Studied by
Time-Resolved Spectroscopy


三価ランタニド錯体は、金属の種類に依存した高色純度発光を示すことから、有機 EL 素子など
配位子励起後 Eu(III)の発光に至るまでのエネルギー移動経路とその時定数を明らかにすることで、
【Chapter3】ホスフィンオキシド架橋 Eu(III)錯体におけるアン
効率化に加え β-ジケトン配位子設計による振動失活抑制を基準
をもち、アンテナとしてトリフェニレン(TPH)をもつ Eu(III)
錯体に着目した。この錯体は、TPH をホスフィンオキシド架橋
励起後から Eu(III)発光に至るまでの発光過程を TR-PL により逐

図 1. 速度方程式に用いた

ュレーション解析を行い(図 1)、TPH からエネルギー移動は架橋により遅くなることが明らかとな

【Chapter4】β-ジケトン配位子を持つ三価 Eu(III)錯体における新規エネルギー移動経路の解明
Chapter3 において、明らかになった二通りのエネルギー移動の
起源を明らかにするため、hfa をアンテナとしてもつ Eu(III)錯体
のエネルギー移動ダイナミクスを調べた。TR-PL、TAS を用いて
の後、配位子 T1 準位から Eu(III)の 5D2 準位への非常に速いエネル
ギー移動が観測された。これにより、Chapter3 で観測された二通
りのエネルギー移動のうち、速いエネルギー移動過程は hfa に起
因することが明らかとなった(図 2)。Eu(III)の 5 D2 準位へのエネ
TPH と hfa が同様の T1 エネルギー準位を持つにもかかわらず、異

図 2. トリフェニレン配位
子と β-ジケトン配位子から

【Chapter5】三重項増感を用いたホスト-ゲスト薄膜中の Eu(III)錯体の高効率光捕集
EL 素子などの実用的な発光材料開発のためには薄膜中で
機構の複雑さが課題であった。ここでは、Chapter4 において
発光機構が明らかとなった Eu(III)錯体を様々なホスト分子中
光量子収率と Eu(III)錯体単体の約 400 倍の強発光を達成した

図 3. ホスト-ゲスト増感による

(図 3)。TR-PL、TAS により、ホスト分子励起後から Eu(III)発光に至るまでの過程を解明し、全て
のエネルギー移動過程がほぼ 100%の効率で生じていることを明らかにした。この結果から、Eu(III)
錯体を効率的に光らせるためのホスト分子として、(1)高効率な項間交差、(2)T 1 準位が Eu(III)
錯体配位子の T1 準位と非常に近いこと、が重要であることが示された。
本研究では、TR-PL、TAS を用いて Eu(III)錯体におけるエネルギー移動過程の詳細を明らかにし
た。さらに、これまでその発光機構の詳細が明らかになっていなかった Eu(III)錯体について、二つ



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Chapter 6. Summary and perspective


6-1 Summary

The author employed TR-PL and TAS to investigate the energy transfer

mechanisms in Eu(III) complexes. The goal was to gain a better understanding of the

emission mechanism and facilitate materials development.

In Chapter 1 and 2, the author explained the background and experimental

methods in this thesis, respectively.

In Chapter 3, the author conducted an investigation into the energy transfer

processes in the Eu(hfa)3(DPPTO)2 complex using TR-PL. In addition to the conventional

energy transfer pathway through the T1 state of the ligands, a fast energy transfer pathway

from the singlet excited states of the ligands to the 5D1 state of Eu(III) was discovered.

This dual energy transfer mechanism contributes to the high photoluminescence quantum

yield observed in the complex, offering important insights for the design strategies of

luminescent complexes.

In Chapter 4, the author explores the energy transfer mechanism in the

Eu(hfa)3(TPPO)2 complex, utilizing TR-PL and fs-TAS. The experimental results

demonstrate nearly unity efficiency of energy transfer from the T1 state of β-diketonate

ligands to the Eu(III) ions, unveiling a novel pathway to the 5D2 state of the Eu(III) ion.

These findings have important implications for designing efficient luminescent Eu(III)

complexes and advancing the development of lanthanide-based light-emitting materials.

In Chapter 5, the author investigates the enhancement of photoluminescence

intensity through sensitization using a host-guest system. Specifically, they explore a

system composed of triazine-based host molecules and Eu(hfa)3(TPPO)2. By conducting

TR-PL and fs-TAS measurements, the author reveals an energy transfer mechanism from

the host molecules to the Eu(III) ions, occurring via triplet states over several molecules


with an impressive efficiency of nearly 100%. This discovery enables efficient light

harvesting in Eu(III) complexes and provides a simple solution-based fabrication process,

promising advancements in light-emitting applications.

In these studies, TR-PL and fs-TAS were employed to investigate the energy

transfer mechanisms in Eu(III) complexes. This research not only enhanced our

understanding of the emission mechanism but also played a crucial role in advancing

materials development in this field.

6-2 Future perspective

Based on the findings of this research, there are several potential directions for

future work in the field of Eu(III) complexes and their energy transfer mechanisms. One

promising avenue is the application of these complexes in organic light-emitting diodes

(OLEDs). By utilizing the knowledge gained about the energy transfer pathways and

efficiency, it becomes possible to design and optimize Eu(III)-based OLEDs with

enhanced performance and efficiency. This could lead to the development of more

efficient and vibrant displays, lighting, and other optoelectronic devices.

Additionally, further investigations can be conducted to explore the potential of

other antenna ligands and coordination structures for Eu(III) complexes. By studying

different ligand systems and their energy transfer mechanisms, it is possible to discover

novel pathways and improve the overall efficiency of energy transfer in these complexes.

This would open up new possibilities for the design and synthesis of luminescent Eu(III)

complexes with tailored properties for various applications.

Moreover, the study of host-guest systems, as demonstrated in Chapter 5, holds

promise for enhancing the photoluminescence intensity in Eu(III) complexes. Future


research can focus on developing new host molecules and optimizing their interaction

with Eu(III) ions to achieve even higher energy transfer efficiencies. This could lead to

the creation of highly efficient light-harvesting systems that can be utilized in a wide

range of applications.

Overall, the investigations presented in this thesis provide a solid foundation for

future research in the field of Eu(III) complexes. By further exploring their energy transfer

mechanisms and applying the gained knowledge to practical applications such as OLEDs,

significant advancements can be made in the development of luminescent materials and

optoelectronic devices.


Publication lists

Original papers

1. “Dual Energy Transfer Pathways from an Antenna Ligand to Lanthanide Ion in

Trivalent Europium Complexes with Phosphine-Oxide Bridges”

Shiori Miyazaki, Kiyoshi Miyata, Haruna Sakamoto, Fumiya Suzue, Yuichi

Kitagawa, Yasuchika Hasegawa, and Ken Onda

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2020, 124, 33, 6601–6606.

2. “Novel Energy Transfer Pathway in Trivalent Europium Complexes with βDiketonate Ligands”

Shiori Miyazaki, Kiyoshi Miyata, Yuichi Kitagawa, Yasuchika Hasegawa and Ken


(Manuscript in preparation)

3. “Highly Efficient Light Harvesting of a Eu(III) Complex in a Host–guest Film by

Triplet Sensitization”

Shiori Miyazaki, Kenichi Goushi, Yuichi Kitagawa, Yasuchika Hasegawa,

Chihaya Adachi, Kiyoshi Miyata and Ken Onda

Chemical Science 2023, 14, 6867–6875.

Joint papers

1. “Coordination Geometrical Effect on Ligand-to-Metal Charge Transfer-Dependent

Energy Transfer Processes of Luminescent Eu(III) Complexes”

Pedro Paulo Ferreira da Rosa, Shiori Miyazaki, Haruna Sakamoto, Yuichi

Kitagawa, Kiyoshi Miyata, Tomoko Akama, Masato Kobayashi, Koji Fushimi, Ken

Onda, Tetsuya Taketsugu, and Yasuchika Hasegawa

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2021, 125, 1, 209–217.



This doctoral thesis is the summary of the author’s studies conducted under the

supervision of Professor Ken Onda at the Department of Chemistry, Graduated School of

Science, Kyushu University, from April 2018 to August 2023.

The author would like to express my deepest gratitude to Professor Ken Onda

for supervising this thesis, providing an excellent research environment, helpful

discussion, and supporting all my works. The author would also like to express my deep

appreciation to Associate Professor Kiyoshi Miyata for his insightful comments and

guidance for my work and life.

The author would like to appreciate Professor Yasuchika Hasegawa and

Associate Professor Yuichi Kitagawa at Hokkaido University for providing the samples

and valuable discussions.

The author would like to appreciate Professor Chihaya Adachi and Assistant

Professor Kenichi Goushi at Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics Research

(OPERA), Kyushu University, for valuable discussions.

The author would like to thank all the members of Onda laboratory for their kind

support not only for my work but also for his daily life. The author also would like to

thank all the collaborators.

The author also thanks Japan Society for the Promotion of Science for the

financial support of the Research Fellowship for Young Scientists.

Finally, the author would like to express his gratitude to his family for always

supporting her during her long student life.

Shiori Miyazaki

August 2023





